On Sunday, March 7
th, Alli and I officially graduated from
NEADS! There were 21 teams graduating with all but 1 present. The event took place at the "Four Points Sheraton" in
Leominster, MA. To anyone outside of Mass., it would be pronounced "Leo-minster". If you're a native of Mass., it's pronounced "
Lemonster". The hall was packed with 20 + dogs and all were behaving wonderfully! I'm sure that many a teacher would like to know how that was accomplished! It was, however, the culmination of many years of training for the dogs, and weeks to months of learning for their human partners. Although it was a requirement for the teams to attend, being that it counts as part of our training, I would not have missed it for anything. It was our chance to say "Thank You" to the
NEADS family. Thanks certainly doesn't sound sufficient for what these amazing canines mean to each of us but none-the-less that is what is done. Below is the "spiel" that I gave when it came to my turn.
"They say it takes a village to raise a child, and the story is no different here at
NEADS where the village helps to prepare our partners for their permanent place in our hearts; alongside us, improving our quality of life and allowing us to stay as active as possible with a positive attitude. There are truly no words adequate enough to convey my gratitude to the
NEAD family, beginning with Dick
Beman(CEO) and continuing with Candi Hitchcock(COO), John Moon,
Kathy Foreman, Donna
Laconti, Sherri Forest and Terry
Veroneau. Lest we forget the wonderful care in the kennel from Dan
Oulette, the amazing work of the Puppy Raisers Cindy Lopez, Cyndi Ryan and Dave
Hessel. And a mere thank you is certainly not enough for the training received by both dog and client from Brian Jennings, Erin Wylie and Paula to name a few........I have to add here that I am sure I've forgotten several names along the way, but the entire
NEADS family is deserving of a standing "O". I also have to thank my inmate/handler Pam from MCI
Framingham who allowed Alli to keep her unique personality.......and oh, what a personality it is!!!! Alli's weekend Puppy Raiser, Elisabeth Merritt, introduced
Allii to a world of experiences including a trip to Texas for Christmas '08. And her Puppy Raiser, Ginger
Reinders, also deserves a round of applause! With just one of these parts missing, the results couldn't possibly be as successful. It truly does take the entire village.
"Along with those already mentioned, I can't forget the love and support I have received from my family, close friends, church members.......(especially one church member who helped to show me that if I ever had any doubts about the career I chose they were unfounded), and even my high school graduating class from 19**!!!! I have yet to learn all the names of those who helped to sponsor Alli and when the cards do go out, I hope they well be able to convey my sentiments clearly. Without them, I may not have gotten to this point so quickly! I also feel so lucky to have been put in class with Ellen, Karin, and Eddie. We were all matched so well with our dogs as well as each
other. Camaraderie goes a long way in a new situation. We continue to keep in touch and that too is a source of comfort.
"A very warm thank you goes out to all who have been involved in my
NEADS adventure with the
wonderfully outcome of a new companion, a returning sense of independence, knowledge of an amazing service and a chance to reconnect with young children. Alli has visited a nursery school and has played with many children in hotel lobbies while I explain
NEADS and the service dog's abilities to very interested parents watching as my "Gentle Giant" plays lovingly with their children.
"In closing, I thought it would be nice if Alli and I could show
NEADS how we feel about them and how they brought us together with a high "5".....but Alli insisted it was worthy of a high "10"!!!!!"
At that point, Alli sat back, put her forepaws up in the air and "slapped" my 2 hands. Alli is most happy when she's learning new commands so I am constantly trying to teach her new and useful ones. Along the way she's also picking up some that are just plain "fun"!
I had also planned on reading a "poem"(?) that Alli's inmate/handler Pam had written in the "puppy album" she put together for me but I ran out of time. But, I will include it below as it really does sum up Alli and her personality.
A Laugh, a smile, a heart
L iving life just for the joy of it
L oving people one kiss at a time
I nspiring. Always & Forever.
At this point, I will stop but I hope to post more regularly in the future. I will also include, once again, the
NEADS web address where one can donate either by donating in general, with respect with an individual, or by naming a puppy for $1,000. Such a worthy organization!