And there is was..........the peace one looks for when it seems unattainable. My oldest daughter, Bethany, and her husband, Frank, brought a beautiful baby girl into the world nearly a week early. Madaline Lorraine Russo arrived at exactly 3:00 am on Monday, August 2nd. She weighed in at 6 lbs 7.4 oz and was 19 1/2" long/tall. I was blessed to be present and just as I said at the births of my 3 children it is indeed the most awesome gift one can experience. Bethany asked me to be with them since I delivered her and her siblings using the techniques I learned in "Lamaze" class and they were unable to attend any such classes. They both did great! A little less than 12 hours after Bethany arrived at the hospital Maddy was born!
Now, perhaps you're wondering how Alli fits into all this.....or perhaps not. Either way, I'm going to tell you. We had 2 previous visits to the birth center at the hospital. The first was due to a probable migraine but the doctor wanted to be sure it wasn't something more serious, toxemia, etc. The second visit was because Bethany had early labor contractions and severe back labor/pains so we spent the night. In any case, Alli was just fine each time. She pretty much slept the whole time, unless she heard me move, then her head would pop up and she'd wait for me to give her a command. So, when we showed up Sunday afternoon and the nurses asked if she'd be okay considering that sometimes it can get loud if the mom yells or winces. I said that she would be fine(I actually wasn't sure how she'd react under those conditions but I had faith that she could do it). As before, Alli slept until I fed her.....I came prepared for a long stay. She did just fine until I went out to the family waiting room so that Bethany and Frankie could get some much needed rest. Alli behaved as usual, except she just couldn't settle down. She would lay down when told to but she just kept looking around, watching the door into the center and looking up at me. Like a new mother I went through a mental checklist; she had her exercise, she was fed, had her veggies, plenty of water and I took her out shortly before we went to the waiting room. I had noticed earlier in Bethany's room that she had laid next to the hospital bed a few times and watched me all the while. I started to wonder if she was anxious because she knew that something was about to happen. Right around 2 a.m. Frankie came to get us as Bethany was ready to begin pushing. Alli knew exactly where we were going. She turned before I told her and then went right for Bethany's door when we arrived. She walked right in and curled up on her blanket which I had placed by the wall out of the way. Within 5 minutes she was OUT! She was soooooo comfortable that she snored a bit and had a in which she was obviously running somewhere because her paws looked like she was trotting on her side! Since Bethany had an epidural the room was relatively quiet......almost peaceful as she brought their daughter into the world. Alli continued to sleep away the time even with Maddy letting everyone know she had arrived, the nurses moving about the room weighing and readying Maddy for her parents......and me.......running around playing photographer trying to get pictures so that Bethany and Frankie could look back upon the birth of their first child with a smile.
The thing that really stuck with me about the birth.....besides Maddy......came when I thanked the doctor for an awesome delivery and added, "I guess Alli did just fine!". She said she was so happy to have been present and that she really liked having Alli present. She said Alli added a calming effect to the experience for her and she felt sure Alli had done the same for the rest of us as well. I feel I can answer my own question, "is there no end to what Alli can do to help and comfort". The answer is a resounding "YES"! She is truly the answer to all my prayers.
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