MCI Framingham she had an amazing weekend puppy raiser, Elizabeth, who took her to Texas for Christmas '08. In the "puppy album" that Alli's inmate/handler Pam put together for me there is a page near the end about that trip. The page holds several pictures including one of Alli in "Utopia"!!! She is doing just as she is above.......taking in the sun and sand.......literally! She loves to run headstrong into the water, swim, dunk her head underwater, swim some more, then leap out of the water like a skipping stone and roll, shimmy, and roll some more in the sand. Each time she goes to the beach it's like the first time all over's wonderful! Like watching an infant discovering they can crawl!
Now, to Summer Graduation for NEADS. Alli and I went with a very close friend, who was unable to make it to our graduation, and my daughter Em. We thought that the young lady who did a fundraiser for us was going to present her check to NEADS......but she wasn't able to be there. I really didn't mind, though, because I had nearly the same emotional response that I had at mine. Just knowing that these strong, brave, independent individuals would be able to experience the same emotions that I, freedom, increased independence and a sense of feeling needed........all from gaining a new partner, and yes a confidant made the whole day worthwhile.
We began the day with lunch at a local establishment in Leominster with new found friends including a team that graduated from NEADS about a year ago, her husband, her dogs' puppy raiser, a wonderful wounded warrior who was graduating this time with his dog, his puppy raiser and her mother. The graduate, Doug, had come all the way from South Carolina just finishing his training this past Friday. He was not able to have any friends or family present so we all said that we would be honored to be his family. He is a wonderful gentlemen, very quick witted, always smiling and so engaging that you barely notice that he's in a wheel chair and has one leg amputated above the knee. He said he'd love to have us all as his family but he expected to hear a lot of "whooping and hollering"! Needless to say......everyone heard it! How deserving Doug is to receive a service dog, Scooter, and how blessed they both are to have each other. While everyone there was receiving either a "hearing dog" or "service dog" as at my graduation, it was new, and moving just the same. It's so wonderful knowing that I am connected with an organization that can change a person's life as well as their outlook on life with the addition of such a specialized partner that is always there for them wherever they may go.
Before I ramble on all night I should close, but not before sharing an amazing story that really made the day perfect. Picture two close friends, one slightly older than the other, growing up together only to be separated as they neared "adulthood". Now picture the same two friends being in the same place years later and recognizing each other and giving one another a warm embrace. No words are necessary, merely a look knowing each remembers the other.Now, picture these two friends as two dogs! This was the scene when Alli met her friend Granite on Sunday. The two were together at MCI Framingham at the same time, Alli slightly older than Granite. I was told that Granite was in the graduating class and I scanned the room looking for the person that I was told was his partner. When I found him shortly before the ceremony began I quickly headed over with Alli to see this dog who appears in Alli's "puppy" album over and over. Now, Alli is almost always very hyper when she meets another dog. It was down right amazing! She looked at Granite, Granite looked at her. She took a calm step toward him, and he did the same. Then, the amazing occurred! Alli and Granite stood nose to nose, and calmly nuzzled each other! They had not seen each other since probably April of '09. Then, after a moment, Alli got down in a playful stance(looks like she's bowing), and Granite barked and jumped toward her, all four feet off the ground. I know that now when I hear someone say "The world is going to the dogs" I can smile knowing that that's not so bad!
Talk to you again soon!
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