So, I've mentioned that when I trained with Alli in November, there were 3 other great people. We finally got a picture of the 4 of us at graduation on March 7th. Karin and Lucky, Ellen and Magpie(Maggie) and, Eddie and Houdini...... with Alli and me on the far right. It was so good to see them all again........I know Alli was really happy to see them! Alli always slouches when she sits so she looks so small, but she is actually almost as big as Lucky, just about 2 lbs lighter and probably only an inch or two shorter. The 2 in the middle, Maggie and Houdini, are sister and brother and you can see how much smaller she is. They are all beautiful labs, with the most amazing temperaments. They each also have unique personalities.....I'm not sure that it's necessarily the best thing, but I guess you would call Alli the "class clown".....if there was one. Ellen is in Wisconsin having surgery to help her continue to walk and not be strapped to a power wheel chair all the time. I hope all who read this post will send their prayers of wellness and recovery her way.
I feel very fortunate to have met these 3 strong, wonderful people. They have each helped me in one way or another realize that dealing openly with my illness is not a sign of "giving in". I tried for so long to act as "business as usual" and usually paid the price. It's nice from time to time to talk with others also dealing with chronic illness. It's never a "pity party" as one might think. Far from it. You find yourself gaining strength and definitely encouragement from one another. There's actually a type of security in knowing that you're not alone with your feelings and/or thoughts where your illness is concerned. It's even easier to deal with your day to day issues, such as doctor visits and your comfort level in general.
So, you see these dogs have really opened up a renewed level of adventure. I mentioned in an earlier post that Alli and I had visited a nursery school, something I hope to do more of. Well, my associate pastor is thinking of having me bring Alli when she makes some calls at one of our local nursing homes. Because Alli is already a trained service dog......."card carrying" even....... she is already used to wheel chairs, walkers, and hospital sounds and smells. These are all things a "therapy" type dog must become accustomed to before they can be certified. I obviously have a lot of new experiences to look forward to.
One last thing. I finally got the date for my Social Security Disability hearing. April 19th. Please think positive thoughts for me on that day!!!! After the 2 denials, you automatically go to a hearing. The problem is that my attorney filed for the hearing by the required December 2008 date. My attorney told us that the wait can be up to 1 year from the Dec. '08 date. I was not notified of the hearing date until February of this year!!! So, I've been unable to work since March of 2007. That's a heck of a long time to go without a paycheck. Mark has been working a second job to make up for it. He will probably keep it when I'm approved, just cut back and be firm about when he will and will not work.
I will post again in a day or two. I plan on uploading a picture of Alli and Houdini.........
They are so cute together!!!
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