Sunday, April 22, 2012


I'm adding the usual picture, this time a video, below because I have to apologize for all the , "Are you ready?", and "Good Boy!" comments first.  Tippy loves to play, loves the soccer ball, loves the tennis ball, but is so laid back that he likes a lot of encouragement.  He likes to know that he's doing a good job, that he's not doing anything wrong.  He takes his job very seriously, and his play just as much so.  This is also one of the last times that I stood up while playing with hand was already broken....I decided soon after not to take any more chances!  Tippy normally plays harder and the balls, whether soccer or tennis, go farther when I'm not trying to brace with the crutch, kick or throw the ball, and hold the camera, all at the same time!  I guess that explains the broken hand...!  **(Oh, and ignore the "awesome" lawn and landscape, enough said)

Tomorrow we meet with a woman from the Essex Rotary.  They donated quite a bit to go toward Tippy.  She wants to get together so she can meet me and Tippy and learn a bit about "Service Dogs" and all they can do.  She'll also have a gentleman from the club to take some pictures.  The Rotary would like this done so they can submit it to the local papers and TV stations to see if anyone wants to "pick it up" for a story.  This publicity is a small price to pay for what the Rotary has done with their donation.  I have to remember to wash Tippy's "equipment" tonight so he'll look great for the pictures.  Who am I kidding?  He always looks great.  I know I said it with Alli, but it's like having my children young again.  I feel so proud when people take notice about the great job Tippy does and how handsome he is.  They especially take note about his shiny coat......salmon oil.  I know some people use fish oil and/or those fish oil gel tabs, and they seem to work great, too.  But, I used salmon oil for Alli before I knew that and loved the effect.  I get it at the pet store.  Labs are known for having dry skin, the reason I started the oil with Alli, and using the salmon oil seems to take care of any dry skin along with providing a gorgeous coat.  The other day someone made the comment that his coat was so shiny in the sun it had the look of a deep blue, like a seal.

I think I need to stop for today.  Tippy started out on the bed with me, with his chin resting on the edge of my laptop.  He then moved so that his whole head was on the keyboard and just his eyes were looking at me.  I tried scratching his belly with my foot as I often do while typing but apparently that doesn't cut it today because he's jumped off and is sitting by my bedside with his chin on my leg.....again with the puppy dog eyes looking up at me....  He definitely wins this time....I gladly cry "Uncle"!!!!

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