On Tuesday, September 20, 2011 Alli and I got together with Ellen and Maggie, and Karin and Lucky. It was to be the last play-date for the pups. They had a wonderful time! Actually, I'm not sure who needed it more, Alli, or me. Yes, I do. I needed it. I needed to be able to touch base where it all began. I only wish Eddie could have been there too. It feels a little odd. When we get together next, Ellen mentioned when she gets back from surgery in WI November 20th, I will not have Alli. I'll be in a type of "limbo". It will also be difficult, because we met are dogs on November 9, 2009, and finished our training on the 20th. It will be 2 years to the day.
While at Ellen's.......it was a great afternoon......as always, we talked about just about everything there is to talk about. Our trials, tribulations, health.....etc. We talked about the past, the weekend coming up for Alli's departure, and the future. I started wondering....... When a dog is found for me, it could be 12-18 mos., I will go for my 2 weeks of training again. So, between wondering what the dog will be like, I also find myself wondering what my classmates will be like. The four of us really lucked out that first time. We just seemed to hit it off right off the bat. We have completely different personalities, different disabilities/illnesses, different backgrounds, but we just sort of "got" each other. Eddie and I even took turns playing the "straight man" to each other's humor. We all found it relatively easy to talk to each other on our "down" time. I now find myself in the familiar territory of uncertainty. While I usually hav no trouble getting along with people I've just met, I dread new situations just the same. That's something Alli has really helped me with. While NEADS provides "social" dogs for children with autism and other disabilities; Alli has been not only my service dog but my social dog as well. I have entered more social situations and participated in more conversations since receiving her. I never would have spoken to legislators without her by my side. So, now it's like starting over. It will be a new social situation when I go for my training, and it will begin without a dog beside me. What will the group be like. Will we function as a group or as individuals? I know it's still a very long way off, but this is what I do.
The time we spent together on Tuesday reminded me of how important it is to have support. And not just any support, but the support of those who have traveled the same road. While Karin did have Lucky returned to her after his illness, and thank God Maggie hasn't had to deal with anything which would take her away from Ellen, they know what these dogs mean to us. They understand what it's all about. I'm still not sure how I'll handle it. I know I want a picture of Alli walking away with Elizabeth and Andy. It will be the closure I need.
I don't think I'm quite done here, but I can't stop coughing and I keep feeling like I'm suffocating.
In any case, I'll end here,
Wish us luck on Saturday,
Wendy & Alli
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