Today was a wonderful day. I hadn't expected it to be, but yet, there it was. It was so easy being among others with a love for dogs and all they can do to help their human partners. I knew that this would be one of the last events that Alli and I would attend together and expected it to be difficult seeing all the "teams". It was, however, just the opposite! I felt so much support for both Alli and myself that I think "Indian Ranch" is just where we were meant to be today. I don't believe everyone from NEADS who was there today knows what Alli is going through and I did not speak about it except with those who are aware. Today, we were just a team there to help represent NEADS the best we could. And, what a dynamite team we are! Alli of course is Alli to a fault....she does so well, and just when you think she's going to be calm, she has to give a little jump and "kiss" whoever is petting or talking to her. Most of the time the people love it, most give a little chuckle, and Alli looks at me out of the corner of her eye as if to say...."okay, I sneaked that one in"! She does know, when to toe the line. As we walked around, we were stopped often and asked what type of service dog she is, what special skills she has, asked many questions about NEADS in general, etc. And, of course, she had her picture taken so many times. Everyone falls in love with her at first sight......and they love her little "prance" walk. So, today we were just a normal team, and if felt good. It felt good to be at an event where we could just set aside our problems for a few hours and be there for others. This is how Alli was meant to spend the first part of her career. She thrives on it and puts a smile on everyone's face. No one can help but reach out to pet her. At one point, while we were sitting on the wall listening to the Charlie Daniels Band, and older woman reached out and pet Alli as she sat against me. Shortly afterward, I noticed that her hand was down just petting behind Alli's ear and the woman had such a look of contentment on her face. I'm not sure she realized at that point that she was even petting Alli. That's what Alli is all about. Letting you know she is there for you in whatever capacity you may need her. Even if you're not sure what you need, Alli seems to.
Those that do know about Alli's vision problem are so supportive. They wish us well, tell us to keep each other safe, and even share moments we've had which bring a tear to their eye. Messages from friends, thank you Alexis, Bee, Ellen, Karin, to keep me focused. It's kind of like when a family member or close friend loses someone close to them I often say that I hope that knowing they touched so many lives in such a positive or powerful way brings them a sense of peace. This I'm feeling myself through the words of others. Alli has such a way of making an impression on others.......I think always in a positive(if not comical)way......I already have that sense of peace one looks for. Alli is not being lost. She's actually being found. She is blessed to be able to be found for another purpose. Whether that purpose is just to add some enjoyment and enlightenment to the lives of Elizabeth and Andy, or if through this experience she is just meant to "chill", one can't say but I'm certain she will make the most out of it. She will also continue to make others smile, laugh, even the occasional "guffaw" just by being Alli.
While NEADS calls their "non-graduates", "fabulous flunkies", Alli is not a "flunkie" by any means. So I like to think of her as what a trainer from FIDELCO told me they call their "non-graduates"......."change of career dogs", Alli is merely changing her career........
Wendy & Alli
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