This is Tippy doing his Oscar Nominated performance of "Dead Dog"! Our dog park...or "Paw Park" as it's called....opened on Sunday. You can always walk down from the lot up above, but on April 1st the gate opens allowing one to drive down to the area. I can't walk far enough to make it when the gate's closed so I'm thrilled it's open! Today was our 3rd day. I still exercise Tip at home every day, but it's great for him to have the social experience of playing with other dogs. I'm sure you remember me referring to Alli as a "Pushy Broad", but Tippy is the complete opposite. When we get to the park and other dogs are already there, "yipping" and "play" growling to let Tippy know they were there first, he already begins to cower a bit. Then, he gets anxious to play and begins to get a bit hyper. I make him sit in the transitional area while I remove his Gentle Leader and vest. Sometimes it takes a minute or two to get him settled and watching me before I open the gate and say "Free Play"! Then, the fun begins! Tippy charges out of the gate, but as soon as the other dogs descend on him, he cowers, runs behind me, and watches for a chance at "freedom". When he spies his opening, he dashes out looking oh so confident....until the other dogs start barking or running, and Tippy turns on a dime and comes "running back to Mama"!! It's really quite comical. He kind of hits and runs. Dash out, dash in, dash out, dash get the idea! I guess it's true, the bigger they are, the harder they fall!
We have been very busy, a good busy, but very busy. On March 22, I got an e-mail from Paul Gileno(US Pain) asking if I would attend a CHAF (CT Health Advocacy Forum) as a Rep. for US Pain on Wednesday the 28th. I said I'd be happy to, I'm one of those people who love attending meetings that help me understand different areas of our lives. So I put that on my calendar and planned for it. Then, on Monday the 26th, I received another e-mail from Paul late in the day, that he forwarded from one of our media group contacts asking if I would be available to testify once again in Providence. This time it was before a House committee on Insurance and Finance regarding coupon and/or discount programs as they relate to prescription drugs. The hearing was to take place the next day! Tiffany, from The Cullari Group, asked that if I could make it to the House on Tuesday, and Paul to the Senate on Wednesday she thought we'd have good coverage. She also sent a couple pages of "talking points" which included a chart and the key points to be included in my testimony. These always help. I can't possibly be aware of, or know the gist of, every bill coming up for discussion. Especially in another state. Needless to say, we went to Providence. I learned a lesson. I had printed up my testimony and was pleased that I had incorporated all the key "points" and included the chart with explanation. There were probably 6-7 opposed to the bill(US Pain, for one), and one in favor. The chairman, he looked like a cross between JFK and Sen. Blumenthal, decided to sandwich the Blue Cross gentlemen(of course the only one "for") between the opposed. When my turn came up.....right after the BC guy, I asked if I could remain seated as there was not a podium and it's difficult for me to stand for any length of time. The chairman said yes as long as I spoke loud enough as the hearing was being recorded. I chuckled and said that I've never been accused of speaking too quietly. I began my testimony. Several of the speakers before me had mentioned that the coupon/discount program helps those with meds attached to high co-pays. When I got to an appropriate point I mentioned that while I was not a Rhode Island resident, and my med did not "fit" the bill, I just wanted to point out to those present who may not be aware of the high cost of prescription medication that one of mine which I cannot afford carries a co-pay of $1,000/4 wks. Again, I mentioned that I was merely showing that there are indeed high costs associated with prescription medication. I then continued on with my written testimony and finished. The next to testify was called and began their testimony. Well, with the speed that the committee's "council" rose and came to speak with me you would have thought that I was wanted for a felony! While the testimony continued he asked me if there was a generic form of my med. I told him I wasn't sure but that I know there are other formulations but my doctor wanted me on this specific drug. He told me that if there was no generic it didn't apply to the bill. I reminded him that I had prefaced that when I made my comment, and also since I'm not a resident of RI it really was a moot point. He gave a heavy sigh and looked at me with slight disdain, then went to speak with the author of the bill, and then to the "gentleman" from BC. I thought the council was supposed to be neutral....right?!? It was certainly evident how he felt. So, for now on, I'll stick to the script, my script.
Have you ever needed to speak in front of a group, and your friends/colleagues tell you that they know you'll do a good job, or that they are sure you did do a good job? I've been told that many times. And, although I feel fairly confident about my experiences, I'm never really sure if it's factual, or are they saying this to be kind and not wanting to hurt my feelings. When the testimony for my bill concluded, Tippy and I rose and left the room with the others who had testified. A woman came up to me and asked if I would mind an unsolicited comment. I assumed, as always, that it was going to be something about Tippy. WRONG!! She told me that she just wanted to say that I had spoken so well with pertinent information. She said that she could tell that I was comfortable giving testimony and that always had a positive effect on committee members. WOW! I had noticed this woman when she entered the room shortly before the hearing began. I'm not sure if she is a lobbyist or a member of the legislature in RI, but she was greeted by most of the persons in the room and they all seemed pleased to chat with her. In any case, she appeared to be a staple at the capitol and she seemed to really understand the system. I suppose that it could just be wishful thinking on my part, but if so, I liken it to when Hermione thinks that Harry put a serum in Ron's drink to make him feel more confident. He didn't actually do it, but since Ron believed Harry did, Ron performed almost flawlessly. Like the "Self Fulfilling Prophecy". If I believe that what the woman said was true, I will act on that belief. Then at the CHAF meeting on Wednesday, I received more validation. I approached the Chairwoman, Sue, at the end of the meeting to request she send the minutes to me as well, she said that she had meant to thank me. When I inquired why, she said that she had been at the Capitol in Hartford when I gave testimony regarding the "Specialty Tier" issue. I heard her speak that day on a different bill, before me and thought she did a great job. She wanted to let me know that I had done a great job and felt that Sen. Crisco(Co-Chair of the committee) had responded positively. So, here again was a positive reaction. The next day, Paul forwarded another e-mail to me. This one was from Sue requesting my e-mail address from Paul. I think the reason that he forwarded it to me was a comment she ended her letter with. She wanted to let him know what a "fabulous" job I did presenting on "Specialty Tiers" in Hartford. Okay, I'm sure you're thinking that I'm "full" of myself. Actually, I'm not. My dad always said that we shouldn't pat ourselves on the back. He didn't think it was appropriate. I loved my dad deeply, but I do think that that is one reason I've never had much self-confidence, and my self-esteem leaves a bit to be desired. But I'm learning! It feels good that I am actually helping others while helping myself grow at the same time! I really enjoy doing this work with US Pain Foundation, and am constantly surprised that I am capable of doing it at all!
I guess I had a lot to get out......thanks for hanging in there!
***I have tried to adjust the time code on this blog, but nothing I try works. It says it's 12:0something, but it's really 6:36 pm on Tuesday the 3rd of April, 2012.
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