Well, I started this post the day before Easter after our visit with the Easter Bunny. This picture shows the "ever curious, always problem solver", Tippy, looking for the Bunny's eggs. Once again, as with Santa on the Christmas train, the "character" phoned in his duty. Whatever happened to all the "Edmund Gwenns"(The 1947 version of "Miracle on 34th Street"/black&white.....it can't be beat!) Santas and Bunnies were always so animated! Now many of them sit and just bide their time! If I hadn't seen his lackluster performance with the children before Tip's turn, I would have thought he was just afraid of dogs.....or flat out doesn't like them. But the children would sit next to him, he didn't move or tip his head or even wave, the picture was taken and the children would be led away by their adoring parents. And, what makes it even worse, the least expensive package of pics was $22. What happened to being able to buy just the one 5x7 for $10? There wasn't even an option for a single. Enough ranting.
I got as far as uploading this picture (taken with my own camera!) and had to stop due to the pain in my hand. I broke it playing with Tippy on the day following my last post. I have to explain at the start that it wasn't his fault. When your trainer tells you to sit when playing with your dog because your balance is so bad.......SIT!!!!! This was the second time I've fallen while we exercised/played, and hopefully the last! This time, when I went to the dog park I decided to capitalize on the early spring and take Tippy down to the swimming area. At this point, no people swim, and there's no one to make sure the dogs don't use it. Because Tippy hasn't been with me for very long, I had his flat collar attached to a 50' lead. 20/20 hindsight is a B*%#H! Instead of just letting the lead lie along the sand, I had the brilliant idea to hold the end. I just didn't want to take a chance on him running, and the highway is just up a big hill from the beach. I went to throw the ball, began to lose my balance, and ended up throwing it too far. Tippy naturally went after it and I realized immediately that I needed to let go of the lead. Wouldn't you know, the lead "handle" got caught up on my thumb and my fate was sealed. As I was already off balance, down I went! The weird thing is that I fell onto my right side yet it's my left hand that's broken. It happened so fast, I guess I could have put my left hand back to brace for the fall or it just got caught under me....either way, I don't know. Later that night I vomited, then most of the next day as well. I guess I might have hit my head and got a mild concussion.....that explains why I had sand in my hair and I guess the left hand as well. When I fell, I tried to get up but couldn't. I called "Tippy, Tippy", but he had gotten the ball and was doing what we call the "Rabbit Run" around and around me with wild eyes....he was definitely "in the moment". I then decided to use the "Level II Recall", and said, in a very authoritative voice...."TIPPY, COME!!!" He turned on a dime and came right over to me, sat, scooched a bit closer and put his chin on my shoulder! I started to cry! I don't know if it was from the pain, or the fact that he remembered something I had been teaching him and used it at an appropriate time. I taught him to HUG!!!!! He stayed there until I said, "I love you.....good boy"! Then he stood in front of me and braced himself while I leaned on him to get up. It took awhile, and he didn't budge the whole time....GOD, I LOVE MY BOY!!!!!! The "kicker" is that one of the reasons I took Tippy to the beach was to celebrate his "half birthday"! He turned 18 mos on the 4th. My son's birthday is in January, so when he was young we celebrated his "1/2 birthday" in July. No cake or party, just a trip to the book store for his choice of a couple books.
The following Monday, the 9th, we went up to Middletown to see the new office for US Pain Foundation and meet with Paul (Gileno, President, Founder). I'm very excited to put in a day or two each week, when able, to work on issues, support groups, research. It really made this whole thing I've been working on seem so real. It's always been real, but I now realize that what I say does matter, and I have the ability to reach out to others and help them to see how they can help themselves. In essence, I've not only found my "voice" but am learning how I can use it to be a positive influence for those with chronic pain and illness. I'm also getting used to learning about the issues that effect our health care system, and testifying to help improve the lives of so many. NEVER would I have guessed that I would be doing this, let alone enjoying it. In June, US Pain has received a grant to bring the INvisible Project to St. Louis, MO, and Paul has asked me and fellow advocate and INvisible Project subject....and friend Ellen Smith to accompany him and speak before the group attending. Mark, and Ellen's husband Stu will of course make the trip with us as we are not able to make the trip w/out their assistance. Of course.....Tippy and Ellen's service dog Maggie will also be with us.
I know this is long, but it's been 2 weeks and I promised myself that I would post at least once a week. I've got a couple more topics to cover.....please bear with me......? On the 11th, (Ellen's birthday!) I actually got some wonderful news. Currently, my immune system is holding it's own!!! I actually don't need the IVIG at this point in time. My immunologist said that perhaps the new doctors I'm seeing in September, Neuro-Immunologists, may see the benefit of the IV, but at this point I will not receive it. The same IVIG that I was receiving is often used for persons with MS and other neuromuscular disorders. Not having it for the last year could explain why my balance and muscle strength have declined more than in previous years. Along with this topic is the interview I did with NBC 30, in Connecticut, pertaining to the bill which I gave testimony for that would restrict the out-of-pocket expense for Specialty Tiers. At the time I gave testimony and was interviewed I had not had my blood work, and was still fighting for my IVIG. I will continue to push forward for others who desperately need there Specialty Tier meds and cannot afford the increasing co-pays. The bill was "killed", so the interview was tabled. I'm not sure why, but the station decided to run the story this past Monday as part of their "Troubleshooters" segment. I had contacted my "media" person Jen, about the change in my status. We hashed it out a bit and decided that my immune system is a small part of my disorder and that since I was on it and remained infection free for the duration, I would still opt to have it if available and a physician agreed. Also, she felt that since it's possible that I reaped the benefits with regards to my neuromuscular disorder the story was still valid. Neither one of us was notified that the story was running, but everything is good!
Last, but not least, is the spaghetti dinner Tippy and I attended on the13th....a Friday no less! It was a bit ironic that Tip was there as it was a benefit dinner for an area cat shelter, Catales. We were told there might be cats there, but they would be in crates. I didn't see any cats, but the big black dog slept through pretty much the whole thing!
I have decided that Tippy is "Wise Beyond His Year(s)" and wanted to leave you with a picture of what I am blessed to see each and every day......