I must go back to last Monday.....I jumped ahead to this past Sunday....I guess that explains how my brain has been working! Last Monday Tippy had his first "well" visit to the veterinarian. Some people have told me that my "Mr. Slow Mo'" will get more peppy as he gets used to his new forever home. The vet said that he had a nice, slow, heart rate, to go with his personality.....so I guess he's going to remain a "chill" pup. I also found out that Tippy has lost about 1.5 lbs since coming home. He was 82.6 on the 20th of February, 82.1 at home on the 24th at the vet's, and at his well check on the 5th of March he was just 81.2 lbs. I had my follow-up check in with Brian yesterday and said that for the time being we should keep everything as it is. Sometimes the dogs may lose a pound or two when they first come home. He did say, however, to let him know if he lost much more. I imagine in that case we may end up increasing the amount of food he gets each day. The vet, Dr. Cheryl Brienza, DVM, had already planned on checking Tippy's eyes in a darkened room as she was Alli's general vet and is aware of her disorder. His eyes, thank God, seem to be okay to her. She doesn't have the correct lens that the specialist has, but this is enough to get me to Tippy's free eye exam in May. I had mentioned to Dr. Brienza that Tippy has goopy eyes like Alli and I was wiping them quite a bit. She said that his tear ducts might be blocked....they were. Dr. Brienza felt that Tippy was so calm that she thought she could probably flush his tear ducts without anesthesia. So she did. HE IS SOOOOOO CHILL!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!
On Wednesday Mark and I had consecutive eye appointment with the ophthalmologist. Mark went first so he could head back to work. Tippy was calm all during Mark's appt., and through most of mine. He did, however, get up from his "Down/Stay" when the tech used the large "do-hickey" to check the pressure in my eyes. He actually came up to the tech and licked his elbow! He was calm, and just stood there watching after the "lick" until I was able to give him a correction. Interesting....Tippy just letting the tech know to take care of his "mom"?
Later that same day I had another appointment with my immunologist. Since I have not been able to receive my IVIG, for my Primary Immune Deficiency, for just about a year, we discussed alternatives.**(Tippy and I are going to testify before the committee on Insurance and Real Estate on Thursday for a bill which includes addressing "Specialty Tiers" on insurance companies' drug formularies. My IV med is a "Tier 6" drug, subject to a 33% co-pay!) Once again, Tippy was great throughout the 1.5 hour wait for the appt., the 40 min. actual appointment, and during the blood draw to check my levels within my immune system. My immunologist talked about how animals/dogs are undervalued when it comes to the benefits they provide to their human partners. SO TRUE!!!
On Thursday Tippy met Alli's former classmates and friends, Lucky and Maggie.....the canine partners of Karin and Ellen. They got on famously!!! Tippy is such a puppy! He's crazy when he plays, and when he runs he sometimes has that loping puppy run! They romped and played after we had lunch. The only "rift" is that Ellen's new rescued dog, Lily(about 3?) seems to have an issue with Tippy when we are indoors. It's most likely due to the fact that they have had her just a week or so, so she's still adjusting. She had no problem with him when we were outside, running around with the others. It's almost comical because they're are good sized dogs and she's a terrier mix. She's absolutely adorable!! I'm sure with time Tippy and Lily will get along just fine.
I've run on long enough, some more big days are on the horizon,
Good Night,
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