Today Tippy came to church. I spoke to the congregation last week to remind them that this is just like when Alli came home. For the time being I'm not releasing Tippy with "Say Hello" when someone asks to pet him. Sometimes I say that he's working, and other times I have him in a sit/stay and he watches me while someone pets him.
He did quite well, and while he doesn't snore as loud as Alli does, he tends to moan and groan in his sleep I'm not sure which is worse....! Needless to say he did a great job when I told him "through". That's when he goes ahead of me, turns around, and sits in front of me looking up at me for the next command. After I had him sitting in front of me,(I had positioned myself so that when he came around he would be sitting with his back towards the entry into the pew. Next I told him "back". He stood, took one step back, and sat. I repeated this until he was far enough into the pew that there was enough room for me to come sit next to him and still have room if anyone else wanted to sit there. He lay there quietly....he was quiet because he was out cold sleeping....until the end of the service. He then looked up at me and waited while I got myself together and was then ready to leave. He really did quite well considering this was his first time to church with me! I feel like a proud "Mama", collecting the comments of praise for my "little one"....okay, my BIG one!
Tomorrow's a new day, and a new week! It's hard to believe that in just 5 short days we will be leaving NEADS as an official team. Today felt like we'd been together forever.....Tippy fell right into step with me, noticing when my pace changed and changing his right along with me......
I SOOOOOOO LOVE THIS PUP! I think we're going to make a great team. I can't wait for him to meet Alli! Maybe this spring or summer. Tippy will be meeting Lucky and Maggie on Friday. Ellen is about halfway between NEADS and my house so it will be a nice break from the driving, and I'm sure a great visit!!!
The internet is still connecting and disconnecting so the very next time it says it's clear, I'm hitting "Publish Post"!!!! I'm not even checking for any typos or spelling errors.....SORRY!!!!
Wendy and Tippy
I tried to correct the time in the settings, but it is now 8:13 pm, and it's still way off! I'll keep trying!