I have to say, I was very impressed. When we arrived, we signed in, and the men and their dogs were there waiting to walk with Brian, Andy and myself to the gymnasium. We arrived, and the men sat in chairs in a semi-circle with Andy and I in front. They began by introducing themselves and their dogs. I could already see that this was indeed a group who were immensely proud of their dogs. Each one of them smiled or smirked as they said the dog's name. What a wonderful program to match man with "man's best friend". Andy and I then introduced ourselves, told a little bit about our disability and how the dog would help us. We each also mentioned how much we appreciated the work being done by this group, how much it means to us to receive one of these very special dogs, and how the dogs would be helping each of us. Brian made a point of telling the men that we were why they do what they do. To keep in mind that the dogs they are training are for the disabled. They need to keep that in mind, that while they may be able to find a way for a dog to complete a task in a different manner for them, the dogs are being trained for those who cannot complete these tasks by themselves, or without much difficulty. The men then had time to ask very poignant questions. We also heard some anecdotal things about the dogs which made us all chuckle. I think this program, and these visits in particular, are necessary for both inmate, and client....and I think it's also good for the dogs. The inmates need to know that those they've cared for have become a good partner for someone who cares and will benefit from their unique abilities and companionship. The clients also need to know that their new partner was raised and trained by those who loved and cared for the dog. And, believe it or not, I think it can't hurt for the dog to visit one last time the place that helped to shape who they are today. I realize I've taken a lot of time just to say how much I appreciate all the love, care and training the dogs have had and that there is no way I could ever take it for granted. I have been blessed and trusted for the second time with a most amazing gift and partner. How awesome is this. How amazing that this is occurring in 13 correctional facilities in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.....it's really a rhetorical question.....it's obviously both awesome and amazing and many words I can't think of at the moment....WOW!!!!
I had originally planned to pack Wednesday night, following the Meet and Greet, and
head out Thursday after the visit to Concord. "The best laid plans...."! I was extremely sore by Tuesday, and more so Wednesday. Brian had said that it was probably a good thing that we finished early as I might not have been able to finish all of the training. I would, however, been able to finish. I would have finished and then probably been down for 2-3 days as always. I can just about always do complete any task or adventure knowing full well that I'll pay later. I always say that when faced with a decision of whether to do something or not, I look ahead and think if it's worth it. As I've always said....it usually is....with it's price. But why miss out? In any case, I ended up having to pack just a little after the visit and finish Friday morning and leave shortly thereafter.
The paperwork I received with my match letter included the guidelines for the dress code when visiting the correctional facility. It, of course, said no jewelry. Now, I don't where a lot of jewelry, a ring on each finger, my watch, 4 bracelets(each with sentimental value....and quite narrow), and earrings. The only thing that changes day to day are my earrings. I obliged with the rules, with just my rings remaining on. When I returned from the prison, I put them all on. I was on my way out of the house to bring Tippy's file to Dan at the kennel, and remembered that I had forgotten to put my earrings on. I put Tippy on "Sit/Stay" and went into my room to retrieve them off the shelf. "Vanity, thy name is Woman"..... Okay, so when I reached for the earrings they started to fall. I reached for them....WRONG MOVE!! As I reached, they slipped off the shelf, and when I went to grab them, I went down. Ay-yi-yi!(sp?) I called Tippy. Now, usually, because he doesn't want to make a mistake, he takes a second or two to think before following a command. Not this time! He came running! I almost didn't believe it. He came right to me, I positioned him on my right side, and using Tippy on the right, and the chair on the left I was able to get up. I went to put the earrings back on the shelf to "get my bearings" and knocked my pill box off the shelf!!! REALLY!! Once again, as I reached for the falling case I went down again! Thank God Tippy was still there....and he obligingly stood firm. Ask me how foolish I felt....don't bother, I really feel mega foolish....
Thursday night I sat back for a bit to have a little dinner, watch even less television, and try to relax a bit. Do you know what happens when you have a fall where you tried to stop yourself from going down? You strain muscles all over. And, do you know what happens to those strained muscles when you sit for a while without moving? They become even more sore so that even the slightest movement causes great pain.....guess what I did? Yup, I sat too long! I just can't win....except with Tippy. He's certainly a "keeper"!
Our departure went without a hitch, with the exception that I didn't get a chance to say good-bye to Andy and Richie. Andy went to the training room to exercise Richie while I was still packing and loading. He then had a meeting with the woman who is working with the Veterans and their dogs concerning their PTSD. I planned to stop into the main office on my way out and thought that it would be around the time that Andy would be done. When I arrived I said my good-byes but Andy was still in his meeting. I'm really sorry the timing wasn't better. He is such a good person, with a good heart and soul. You don't meet too many young men his age these days who are truly gentlemen. He is one. I'm hoping to connect with him on FB, and eventually through e-mail.
Saturday involved a few errands, and then it was "trial by fire" for Tippy. Friday night we attended a performance of "Tartuffe" at the University of Rhode Island. My daughter is a senior Theatre major in the Fine Arts department. She has the part of "Mariane". It's a loud, boisterous farce, and Tippy weathered it just about perfectly. We were in the 2nd row on the floor, and Tippy's head was at the end of the aisle, at my feet. The play began with a lot of shouting, stamping of feet, and crazy running from off stage through the audience and onto the stage. Tippy just slid his head backward so as to have a better view. He did great.....YAY!!!! Oh, and Emily was AMAZING!!!! She was so sweet and cute....yeah, a great actress!!!! Just kidding, Em!! The show was superb! URI has a wonderful Theatre program.... I'm so glad Tippy did so well, I love the theatre, ballet, movies, and concerts.....he's certainly going to get a good cultural experience!
Sunday went very well also. Tippy slept during church with the occasional moan or groan in conjunction with finding a comfortable position. Alli snored, and Tippy moans....I wonder which is worse if you're the minister?!? Following the service, we(the Membership Committee) hosted coffee hour since it was "New Member" Sunday. Although I can usually be counted on to bake, I wasn't able to this time since I had just returned from my 2 week training period. It was a nice opportunity to speak with a few of the new members. But, after coffee hour the morning was still not done. During Lent we have a "Lenten Series" using the book, "Speaking Christian" written by Marcus Borg. I really enjoy these opportunities to discuss in an open setting how we each view our own feelings of religion and/or Christianity. Once again, Tippy simply "hung out" biding his time until we would leave on our next "adventure"!
Today consisted of a series of errands and time to cuddle. We also fit in our daily practice, exercise and conversations to keep each other company.
I will forever be amazed at how our service dog/partner always seems to know what we're thinking, and how we're feeling. It has been just 4 1/2 mos. without a partner, and I've missed that constant connection and feeling of belonging in the world. I feel so blessed to have that in my life once again.......
I don't know about you, but I'm more than ready to say good-night......Good Night!
Wendy & Tippy!
I had originally planned to pack Wednesday night, following the Meet and Greet, and
head out Thursday after the visit to Concord. "The best laid plans...."! I was extremely sore by Tuesday, and more so Wednesday. Brian had said that it was probably a good thing that we finished early as I might not have been able to finish all of the training. I would, however, been able to finish. I would have finished and then probably been down for 2-3 days as always. I can just about always do complete any task or adventure knowing full well that I'll pay later. I always say that when faced with a decision of whether to do something or not, I look ahead and think if it's worth it. As I've always said....it usually is....with it's price. But why miss out? In any case, I ended up having to pack just a little after the visit and finish Friday morning and leave shortly thereafter.
The paperwork I received with my match letter included the guidelines for the dress code when visiting the correctional facility. It, of course, said no jewelry. Now, I don't where a lot of jewelry, a ring on each finger, my watch, 4 bracelets(each with sentimental value....and quite narrow), and earrings. The only thing that changes day to day are my earrings. I obliged with the rules, with just my rings remaining on. When I returned from the prison, I put them all on. I was on my way out of the house to bring Tippy's file to Dan at the kennel, and remembered that I had forgotten to put my earrings on. I put Tippy on "Sit/Stay" and went into my room to retrieve them off the shelf. "Vanity, thy name is Woman"..... Okay, so when I reached for the earrings they started to fall. I reached for them....WRONG MOVE!! As I reached, they slipped off the shelf, and when I went to grab them, I went down. Ay-yi-yi!(sp?) I called Tippy. Now, usually, because he doesn't want to make a mistake, he takes a second or two to think before following a command. Not this time! He came running! I almost didn't believe it. He came right to me, I positioned him on my right side, and using Tippy on the right, and the chair on the left I was able to get up. I went to put the earrings back on the shelf to "get my bearings" and knocked my pill box off the shelf!!! REALLY!! Once again, as I reached for the falling case I went down again! Thank God Tippy was still there....and he obligingly stood firm. Ask me how foolish I felt....don't bother, I really feel mega foolish....
Thursday night I sat back for a bit to have a little dinner, watch even less television, and try to relax a bit. Do you know what happens when you have a fall where you tried to stop yourself from going down? You strain muscles all over. And, do you know what happens to those strained muscles when you sit for a while without moving? They become even more sore so that even the slightest movement causes great pain.....guess what I did? Yup, I sat too long! I just can't win....except with Tippy. He's certainly a "keeper"!
Our departure went without a hitch, with the exception that I didn't get a chance to say good-bye to Andy and Richie. Andy went to the training room to exercise Richie while I was still packing and loading. He then had a meeting with the woman who is working with the Veterans and their dogs concerning their PTSD. I planned to stop into the main office on my way out and thought that it would be around the time that Andy would be done. When I arrived I said my good-byes but Andy was still in his meeting. I'm really sorry the timing wasn't better. He is such a good person, with a good heart and soul. You don't meet too many young men his age these days who are truly gentlemen. He is one. I'm hoping to connect with him on FB, and eventually through e-mail.
Saturday involved a few errands, and then it was "trial by fire" for Tippy. Friday night we attended a performance of "Tartuffe" at the University of Rhode Island. My daughter is a senior Theatre major in the Fine Arts department. She has the part of "Mariane". It's a loud, boisterous farce, and Tippy weathered it just about perfectly. We were in the 2nd row on the floor, and Tippy's head was at the end of the aisle, at my feet. The play began with a lot of shouting, stamping of feet, and crazy running from off stage through the audience and onto the stage. Tippy just slid his head backward so as to have a better view. He did great.....YAY!!!! Oh, and Emily was AMAZING!!!! She was so sweet and cute....yeah, a great actress!!!! Just kidding, Em!! The show was superb! URI has a wonderful Theatre program.... I'm so glad Tippy did so well, I love the theatre, ballet, movies, and concerts.....he's certainly going to get a good cultural experience!
Sunday went very well also. Tippy slept during church with the occasional moan or groan in conjunction with finding a comfortable position. Alli snored, and Tippy moans....I wonder which is worse if you're the minister?!? Following the service, we(the Membership Committee) hosted coffee hour since it was "New Member" Sunday. Although I can usually be counted on to bake, I wasn't able to this time since I had just returned from my 2 week training period. It was a nice opportunity to speak with a few of the new members. But, after coffee hour the morning was still not done. During Lent we have a "Lenten Series" using the book, "Speaking Christian" written by Marcus Borg. I really enjoy these opportunities to discuss in an open setting how we each view our own feelings of religion and/or Christianity. Once again, Tippy simply "hung out" biding his time until we would leave on our next "adventure"!
Today consisted of a series of errands and time to cuddle. We also fit in our daily practice, exercise and conversations to keep each other company.
I will forever be amazed at how our service dog/partner always seems to know what we're thinking, and how we're feeling. It has been just 4 1/2 mos. without a partner, and I've missed that constant connection and feeling of belonging in the world. I feel so blessed to have that in my life once again.......
I don't know about you, but I'm more than ready to say good-night......Good Night!
Wendy & Tippy!