Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words..........I think this is what "they" had in mind!!!! look This picture actually makes Alli look kind of small.......but that's a laugh! She's huge! I took this picture on our first "field trip". We went to a Walmart to get the dogs familiar with our routine when shopping. We worked on "down/stay" and "up". When the dogs are on down/stay, we are able to look at items on shelves, on either side of the isle if need be. We used the up and up/stay so that she can put her front 2 feet on something waist to shoulder(mine) to make it easier to get things out of her backpack. We also worked on "under" in which she goes under the table or other "thing" turns around and in the case of a restaurant then lies down and stays quietly until asked to join me as I leave. I was actually able to utilize this as my close friend came to stay Friday night to drive me home Saturday after the "meet and greet". We stopped at a Friendly's for a late lunch and Alli went right under the table in our booth and waited very patiently until we were ready to leave. Yesterday, Friday the 13th, we worked on retrieving and stand/stay. Alli very nicely retrieves my cane and brings it to me if it has fallen. She will also retrieve my keys or other dropped items. I was also able to practice stand/stay so that if I fall, she will stand where I direct her and stay still/firm and when I place my right hand squarely on her back at her shoulder blades and use my cane in my left I am able to get up albeit slowly. Maybe I should have labeled this post "Liberation Day". It's amazing how empowering it can be just knowing that Alli can help me with my needs......and we're only halfway through w/ the training! I really will be able to claim back a part of my life.
I was unable to post anything after the first couple of nights at NEADS due to a glitch in my wireless connection with their network. It's difficult for me to use a desktop PC even if I put the keyboard on my lap since my arms tire too quickly. With my laptop, I can lay on my bed, relax my arms and just have my hands working. I will attempt to connect when I return to NEADS tomorrow, Sunday, and continue to post. If unsuccessful I'll try the desktop again otherwise I'll get back to posting when I come home for good following completion of training and "passing" the necessary test. Because I will be certified to have my service dog with me at all times and be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act I have to be proficient in several skills with Alli. And, after one year, I will be contacted by examiners and along with others we will meet at a mall convenient to all to be "tested" on several skills which we will be practicing daily for the life of the service dog. Both NEADS and the examiners need to be sure a) that we are safe, b) that the dog is safe and c) that we continue to reinforce the service dogs' skills through regular practice and real life use so that we can remain an effective team.
I'm looking forward to next week as we will not only work on new skills, and review those which we have covered, but our afternoon sessions will mostly be spent in the conference room. We will have days devoted to; health and first-aid for the service dog, all aspects of the ADA, specifics of vaccinations, grooming any questions we may have on any of the learned topics/skills.
I had hoped to write more tonight, but the week has take a toll on me and the second half of my days are quite uncomfortable and just this week my balance has become much more unsteady. I'm hoping it is just because I am no longer used to a daily routine with training classes usually running from 10:00 am to around 4:30-5:00 pm (with 45 mins. to an hour for lunch). And that doesn't include getting up at 6:00am to take the dog out first thing, exercise her for 1/2 hour, wait an hour then feed her, and, somewhere in there I have to shower and have my breakfast. Then, figure in the fact that there are four of us and we can only go one at a time in the exercise room, and, oh yeah, get them to go to the bathroom again after exercising and eating and get all four of us to class by 10:00!!!! Then after the day of training we have to exercise, feed, take them out at least 2 more times before bedtime and figure out how we can have dinner and a bit of down time.
Okay, I really have to stop now.........I'm tired and I'm watching Alli who is sound asleep curled up on her bed and snoring occasionally..........I guess I'm envious of her! Good night, talk to you soon!
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