I hope everyone had a restful and, yes,............delicious Thanksgiving! I am so thankful this year, not only for my family but for the three other recipients that I met at NEADS this month and how NEADS has helped them as well. How blessed we all are to have the opportunity to improve our quality of life with a new partner by our side. Alli was with me at our family's celebration and I really enjoyed our time together. We had a smaller, more intimate group this year. It was just the Fosters and it once again felt like time to be "home for the holidays"!
I am continuously amazed at how Alli is able to help me in all aspects of my life. For the first time in several years, I was able to sit on the floor and enjoy the appetizers in a more relaxed manner. My daughter, Em, tried to tell me not to since I have been unable to get up myself lately. But I sat none the less, enjoyed the company of all and Alli helped me up when dinner was served. She lay very quiet and still under the table by my feet during the meal and joined us all in the living room following. She was so well behaved and didn't hesitate when given any commands. I can't remember the last time I was comfortable enough to enjoy the holidays.
Today I did some running around w/ my daughter. It started with a "get to know you" visit to the vet. I have been using this practice since 1967! (maybe '68) Each of the doctors is so kind and caring with your animal. The one we saw today is my favorite as he was so good with our dog before Alli. When we put Simba down in February they put a large quilt on the floor of the exam room for him to lay on and so that we could be as close as possible as he passed. I haven't heard that too many vets look to your comfort as well as your pet at times like that. As expected, the doctor told us that Alli was in great shape, healthy, good weight and a beautiful lab. She's lost just under half a pound since coming home Friday but the stress of another new event/place is probably the culprit. She always seems very happy and content so I'm not too concerned. We made some other stops before hitting a fast food restaurant for lunch. And, though I was told that it would happen from time to time, the manager approached me at the counter and said; "You probably noticed the sign on the door as you came in that says 'No Dogs Allowed'''. When I informed him that Alli is a service dog he still looked unsure and I began to explain the "Americans with Disabilities Act", one of the workers said that yes, service dogs can go into any restaurant. While he still looked like he doubted it, he let it go. My daughter suggested that next time I should explain it a bit more calmly! It was the first time I was presented with the problem and I guess I was caught off guard. I was polite, but I guess I just made it seem a bit urgent! In any case Alli slept through the whole meal........as usual!
Apparently it was a little too much running. I ended up with a migraine and prepared myself to spend the next half day or so in the dark. I'm usually only able to handle an hour or two out providing I'm not standing too much of the time. In any case, after Em left for work, I lay in my room in the dark. I gave Alli the command to "jump" and she lay by my feet on the bed. The next thing I knew she had her head resting on my legs and was just looking at me. I felt so relaxed and calm that I suddenly realized that although I still had the headache, the Motrin had been all that was necessary no need for the Rx's! I'll still feel spent tomorrow but that's okay. Like I said, it's amazing how the dogs can comfort emotionally as well as aid physically.
It suddenly dawned on me that with all of the "spewing" I've done I've neglected to post the most important link yet.....the NEADS site. And, for now, I'll leave it below and say "Good Night"