Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's Been Too Long......

I wanted to begin with this photo of my 28 months old granddaughter, Maddy.  I believe that the holiday season is about innocence at it's core.  We never gave many gifts at home when the children were small.  Not only was it kinder on the finances of a young family, moreover, we felt it was important that they understood what Christmas truly is. A birthday.  The birthday.  I used to tell Bethany, Aaron, and Emily, that we were fortunate that Jesus chose to share such a special day with each of us.  May we all enjoy the innocence of a child....... 

It has been 2 1/2 months since my last post.  I had a very difficult late summer and fall with my health.  The 2 previous summers I found myself in the ICU at the end of August due to breathing issues.  Since all of my issues stem from my ever weakening proximal muscles, the stress of dealing with heavy(humid) summer air leads to my being unable to take in adequate breaths.....thus, I find myself in a panic situation.  This year, I refused to be admitted, agreed to breathing treatments and IV fluids in the ER, and came home when I felt I was out of the woods.  I was able to continue the breathing treatments round the clock at home, in a much calmer atmosphere.  Unfortunately, this also meant that I wasn't able to rest enough and the exacerbation hung on well into autumn.  After several courses of antibiotics, and much prednisone, my breathing was less labored and I could begin to enjoy life again.  Thank God that I had Tippy by my side all the while.  I struggle with severe depression due to my health issues, and without him it would have been extremely easy for me to sink into a "funk".  There is most definitely something to be said for the look of a Lab, that unconditional love and approval that only a dog can provide.  The warmth of his eyes, and of his snuggle close beside you.

I pretty much went from being sick and "down for the count" to up and going with responsibilities for US Pain(which I truly had missed during my "hiatus"), NEADS graduation, Thanksgiving, being present for the Essex(CT) Rotary "table" at the "Ivoryton Illuminations, then of course events leading up to....and including Christmas!

I have to say that the highlight of the fall season was most definitely NEADS graduation.  It's always an event I look forward to, but this one was extra special....perhaps even including my own graduations with Alli and then Tippy.  Not only was Tip's WPR(Weekend Puppy Raiser) Anne-Marie in attendance, but the couple who named him was also present!  Tippy was named by Andrea, whose father had had a dog named Tippy as a young man.  This is why I think it's so special that people donate to NEADS to name a puppy. The names come from a variety of origins, but I personally like it when a name is chosen to honor a loved one who has passed.  That way, the name continues to "live on".  As in Tippy's case, Andrea's father has passed away, but the name of his beloved pet as a child is once again making it's way in the world.  How special is that?  Now that I know the reason for his name, "Tippy" is perfect.....just as perfect as he is.  

I had 3 trips this fall for US Pain.  The first was in Connecticut, supporting open access to all pain medications shown to be effective to be on the Medicaid Formulary.  I testified for "Neuro-pathic pain" medications.  The committee approved the proposed meds.  Next, Mark and I traveled to Washington, D.C. to testify before the FDA committee regarding a "New Drug Application" for a pain med.  It was actually a bit more controversial than I expected....and the committee did not approve the application.  The FDA does not always take the committee's decision, but I believe this time they will.  The pharmaceutical company was told to create a safer means of dispensing, i.e. more difficult to abuse.  We were in D.C. for 3 days, Thursday to Saturday I then went to RI, accompanied by Emily, the following Tuesday to make a statement on Wednesday for US Pain before a committee similar to the one in Connecticut.  While it was a whirlwind few weeks, I do love to get away, and it's quite fulfilling knowing that I am hopefully able to make a positive difference in the lives of chronic pain sufferers.

Being with the Rotary for the lighting of the Christmas lights in our very small town felt right on so many levels.  I will always help the Rotary when asked, both because they are a great service organization, and because they donated $8,500 toward the partnership between Tippy and me.  Bishop's Orchard donated 1,000 cider doughnuts  to the Rotary to give out at the event.  They had a table in the Ivoryton Inn, and as it turned out, "Guiding Eyes of Southeastern Ct" happened to be right next to us at a right angle.  The twist is that Tippy is a product of the Guiding Eyes breeding program.  He was never "in" the training program.  When puppies in their litters are not the desired temperament, "GE's" offers them to other Service Dog organizations for a fee.  Alli was actually a GE's dog too.  Tippy would not have been a good guide for the blind because he prefers to wait for direction, he doesn't like to make mistakes.  A guide dog for the blind, needs to be a dog who can lead, take charge, waiting for direction could be dangerous for his/her partner.  We were graced by the presence of 3 puppies that GE's puppy raisers brought for their organization, 2 yellow Labs, and 1 black Lab.  SO CUTE!!!  

 Finally, let me finish with the absolute joy I shared with Tippy in the fresh snowfall yesterday and today.  I'm sure there will be a lot more happy days shared in the snow, but I want to share a picture and a video that I took today....10 1/2" of pure white bliss lends itself to the best medicine there is....laughter!!!

This first one has Tippy doing the "Snow Dog Shimmy"

Next, this photo shows the caring, loving, face of my best friend, my partner...... 



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sometimes You Have To Decide If Pushing Ahead Is Worth The Illness At The End.....

This has been a tough month physically, but it has also been a month of growing.  I started with the usual sinus infection.  I knew, just like I did the thousand other times, that I needed my antibiotics.  I actually had to convince the ER doc that this is the way it always starts, and that I have to begin the meds right away, or the infection turns into a major event.  My problem, when I get ill, is that if it attacks my respiratory system I'm screwed.  I have both asthma, and due to my proximal myopathy, I also have restrictive lung disease.  That means I can't breath in and I can't breath out.  Obviously, that can pose a bit of a problem.  Several days later, I finally thought I was turning the corner towards getting well.  Wrong!  One day after that I began feeling worse than I did to begin with.  I tried to stay down, home, away from stray germs thinking that I could beat it.  I ended up at my doctor's office on a Saturday morning.  He put me on a much stronger antibiotic.  Once again I tried to stay down, aside from a couple of medical appointments, and a couple plans I had made dealing with NEADS and/or Tippy.  

On Wednesday, the 3rd, Tippy and I along with my good friend Cindy went to Boston to volunteer at WBUR, 90.9, their public radio station.  It was their annual pledge event to help support their programming.  I had never done anything like this, but actually enjoyed the day.  I'm always game to do something for NEADS as a way of helping to pay forward what they have meant to me.  As I said, I enjoyed speaking with those calling in to pledge who told me how they donate every year.  I enjoyed the tour of the station, and spending time speaking with the staff about our dogs.  We were there in shifts, so the picture below doesn't show all who participated.

Well, as it turns out, while I felt good emotionally helping the radio station and NEADS.....for every 3 people NEADS had at the event, the station would mention the organization on was probably the worst thing I could have done for my health.  It was a damp, drizzly day, and we had needed to rise early for the 2 hour drive.  Even though we left almost on time, we still had fast-food for breakfast, and I felt rushed until we arrived.  I had not felt well from the time I got up, and was certain that I'd be "ill" sometime during the day.  I hate that feeling.  It's that feeling that if I could just get sick, I might feel better, but I never found out and just felt lousy all day.  We had a 2 hour drive home but stopped on the Mass Pike for a bite to eat at a Boston Market.  I was going to have something substantial hoping that it may make me feel better but, after thinking of the long drive home stuck in the car, I settled on a bowl of chicken soup....YAY!!!  Oh my gosh did that hit the spot!  I promised myself that I would stay down all day Thursday, Tippy's 2nd birthday, because he and I had a big day on Friday.

Of course I did not stay down on Thursday.  I had already planned on baking for Friday.  I had requested, and been approved, to take Tippy to the prison where he was trained for his birthday.  While I wasn't allowed to bring a cake to the prison, I did decide that I would bake something to take to NEADS on the way home.  As I said, I wanted to take Tippy to the prison for his birthday.  The way I look at it, they actually knew him longer than I have so far, and I really wanted to let them know what it means to me to receive a dog that they put so much time and love into.  Tippy also spent his 1st birthday with them, and I really wanted to celebrate his 2nd with someone.  I spent Thursday running around picking up the ingredients I needed for my baking.  I settled on a Pumpkin Spice bread for the "humans" at NEADS, and Pumpkin-Peanut Butter dog treats for their dogs.  For once, I actually baked enough to leave a loaf at home.  The recipe made 2 loaves and I left the smaller one at home.  The dog treats came out great!  I bent a cookie cutter that was shaped like a flower into the shape of a dog bone.  I love to bake!  When I had to stop teaching, I had planned on doing baking on the side.  I have been baking for years and actually got pretty good at using fondant.  Unfortunately, by the time I stopped teaching I wasn't strong enough to knead, whether it was bread dough or fondant.  I've been baking pies since I was six thanks to my grandmother.  Always from scratch, and using knives and forks to mix....."just like grandma used to make".  I rarely stray from the back to basics way of baking.  Anyway, I now use the bread machine to knead my doughs....or my daughter....and try to bake more often, but am usually up to it when asked.

Back to Friday, the 5th.  I've tried to post this since Saturday or Sunday the 6th/7th but between being sick and sick of a laptop which doesn't choose to work half the time now it's been near impossible.  

The visit to the prison was amazing!  It was so good to be around those who know Tippy's personality.....really know it.  When I give Tip a command, he just about always does it....rarely does he look at me and decide, "I think not".  But, what he does do is analyze the command and decide how to do it the best way possible.  This often results in the appearance of being lazy or slow.  He's not.  He just is very deliberate in everything he does.  I loved the chuckles I heard as I "put him through his paces!"  I loved hearing the memories the inmates have of Tippy's time with them.  I had a couple of questions, one of them about a behavior I'm trying to get him to do and Tippy's "back up trainer", who happens to still be in the program offered solutions.  I explained what exactly Tippy does for me, how that has fit into my activities, and how he has enhanced my life.  The gentlemen were interested in Tip's experiences when testifying with me.  They especially got a kick out of how he picks up his leash when he's ready to go and looks at me with "that look!"  He doesn't get up, he just lets it be know...albeit very quietly and subtly....that he is ready to go at any time.  I enjoyed hearing the stories about the puppies the men have now, their personalities, etc.  One of the times when I dropped something and asked Tip to "fetch", he very deliberately followed the command.  One of the inmates, with a good sized pup said that his dog would have attacked the item to be fetched, not gone slowly as Tippy does.  It was wonderful to see the love the men have for their charges, how proud they are of the dog's abilities, and obvious that they were, in turn, getting that unconditional love that only a dog can provide.  I really wish that I had remembered to ask to have our picture taken with the inmates.  I had put my phone in Tippy's vest just for that reason.  I'm not sure whether they would have approved the pic, but I really had wanted to include one here.  The service these men provide really can't be measured, at least not until one sees the before and after of the client upon receiving their partner.  I spoke to the men about my desire to get involved in "Rally-O" with Tippy.  Rally-O(I can't remember if I've explained it in an earlier post..)is an activity where the handler and their dog maneuver through a course which has commands/direction posted along the way.  I explained that Tippy is so great at following his directions that although I don't believe we'd do well "times wise", I do believe we'd be amazing at performing the tasks.  At this point I actually got up....the men got to see how Tippy helps me up from a chair....and gave him a series of commands....which he followed perfectly!  They seemed happy and quite proud at his abilities and his unbelievable eye contact as he performed whatever was asked.

I apologize if this has come out disjointed, but between writing it on 3 different occasions, and currently being on 30mg of codeine sulfate every 4 hours 'round the clock, along with my reg meds and inhalers, I'm feeling a bit disjointed myself.  I ended up at the ER once again at the end of this busy day, and eventually had to put a call into my pulmonologist's office as my muscles were just getting way too tired to continue breathing.....I know, but it seems that breathing is kind of important..... so that my diaphragm can get a bit of a rest.  **(Despite my breathing difficulties, I have never needed to be intubated, and really, really, don't plan on it!!!!  Also, when I enter the ER, I do so with the announcement that I will not go to the hospital.  This hasn't always turned out to be true, but most of the time I end up going home!)   Thank God that's what my doc did. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.

'Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear,
And Grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear,
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come.
'Twas Grace that brought me safe thus far,
And Grace will lead me home.

When we've been here ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise,
Than when we first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see......

Every morning when I get into the shower, I automatically sing Amazing Grace.  I don't think about it, I just do it.  I find that on days that I'm not doing well, I realize I didn't sing.  I'm not sure when I started doing it, but I know that it was the song that I sung when rocking my youngest child.  The odd thing is that when she was just 2 years old, my muscular disorder kicked in.  When I had Alli, I would get into the shower close the door, and begin to sing.  EVERY DAY she would get up, move to the bathmat just outside the shower, curl up and snooze.  As soon as I shut off the shower, she would get up, move back onto the rug, and lay down.  And, EVERY DAY I would say, "Do you honestly think I don't know you move?"  With Tippy, the same thing happens with the exception of the final move.  He moves to the mat when I begin singing, but doesn't bother moving when I'm done.  In fact, I have to talk him into moving out of the way so I can step out.  However, in both cases, if I don't sing, neither of the dogs would move.  I'm not sure if it means they like it or not.  I'm pretty sure Tip finds it calming.  I know it settles me, comforts me with warmth though I don't think about it until after....interesting......

On Friday, my friend Cindy and I are taking Tippy back to the prison in which he was trained.  His birthday is Thursday and I thought it would be nice to share with the inmates, the gentlemen, what he has been doing these last 7 months.  I am so looking forward to it.  They are responsible for this amazing creature being the Godsend that he is, so I really think its apropos.

Until later, feel the Grace that fills us all........

Sunday, September 23, 2012

What Would I Do Without Tippy.......?

September is National Assistance Dog month.  It has caused me to sit back, and take stock of my life.  I tried to think about where I might be had Alli, my first Service Dog, not come to me when she did.  I truly believe in Fate....I think everything happens for a reason.  There is a saying that the best days of your life are yet to come.  Well, the best days of my life have been, with the exception of the birth of my 3 children and 1 grandchild, since the onset of my illness in 1992.  I'm excited knowing that with all the good that has come to me....the best is yet to come!  It has been difficult, even at the best of times, to function with an unknown illness attacking my muscles progressively.  However, the experiences I've had and the lessons I've learned because of this illness have been invaluable.  Do I wish I didn't have this illness, of course, but I honestly don't think I'd change anything in my life.  I think I'm a far "better" person with it than without, and believe that I will accomplish more now than I ever could have.  But, back to Tippy....and of course, Alli.  When I went for training with Alli in Nov. of '09, I met 3 classmates that will forever be a part of my life, a part of who I am.  I have never been a "woe is me" gal, and have actually functioned as though I have no disability as much as I can.  It takes a toll not only on your body, but your mind and soul as well when you try to deny it's existence.  But my classmates taught me that while I am a person with a disability, a chronic pain survivor, it doesn't have to define me as an individual.  Before Alli, I had taught Pre-K and at times 4 yrs. olds for 26 years.  I have always been able to speak with and interact with children, but nearly always shied away from adults.....a definite result from lack of self-confidence, and not the greatest self-esteem.  Since receiving Alli, however, I love being out in public.  I have so much more self-confidence/esteem than I ever thought I would.  I am so proud to have the company and unconditional love of my Service Dog. (I always say that we've got a mutual unconditional love thing going on!!!)  I have found my voice, and a great way to share it.  What began with Alli, now continues with Tippy.  I volunteer with the US Pain Foundation helping to make a difference in the lives of chronic pain survivors.  We, Tippy and I, have testified before House and Senate committees on patients' rights.  Particularly, the insurance practice of "Step Therapy/Fail First", and "Specialty Tiers".  In Connecticut, in 2010, Alli and I, along with other advocates,  spoke with legislators .  We were successful, and in late Summer of that year Governor Malloy signed the bill, creating a new law prohibiting insurance companies from requiring patients to try and fail on other pain medications before approving the initial medication that the physician prescribed.  It was the first such law in the nation.  I never in a million years would have imagined myself in this position.  It was the furthest thing from my mind before being partnered with my first Service Dog.  I also love to volunteer at NEADS events.  I have a whole new life thanks to NEADS, one which is so enhanced by the addition of a partner, Tippy.  I love.....and I have to add here that Tippy also loves and thrives on, sharing the NEADS story with others.  Not only do I love telling everyone, anyone, about this wonderful organization, I also love showing them what a Service Dog is capable of providing for their partner.  Tippy is so focused on me when he's working,(and when he's not) that it's almost always remarked by onlookers.  He loves practicing his skills and behaviors, and for the most part he never balks.  Since he takes his obedience so seriously, I think we're going to try "Rally-O".  Rally Obedience is an activity whereby an individual with their dog navigates a course with obedience skills tested throughout.  There are signs, every few yards, with specific behaviors written on them.  The handler is encouraged to speak to the dog often, encouraging them to follow the given directions as well as praising the dog for a job well done.  Tippy looks at me so intently, not wanting to make a mistake, that you can almost see the wheels turning as he processes the commands.  Again, another activity I would not be doing were it not for my Service Dog.  I didn't know this existed when I had my "pet" dogs, but again, it's part of the new world that has opened up before me.  The added, and totally unexpected, benefit is Tippy's ability to alert me to the onset of a migraine before I'm even aware it's coming.  I have chronic severe a-typical migraines, which in at least 3 cases proved to be mild strokes.  Alli began alerting me to this after we were together for a year.  When I was matched with Tippy in February I hoped that he would do it within the first year as well.  He actually began doing it after just 3 months.  He doesn't get them all, but we've only been partners for seven months, so I guess he's ahead of the game already.  As did Alli, Tippy wears my med container on his collar which I'm sure helps him to sense the correlation.

So, where would I be without a Service Dog for my partner?  I would be merely existing...not living my life to the fullest!  I know I would not be enjoying these years, as I now do, always looking to the future and what it might hold....

A future....that's what NEADS has provided, when matchng me with a Service Dog.... not only a future, but a future filled with endless possibilities....

Wendy and Tippy!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Thinking of Jane...............

On Sunday, August 12, 2012 we lost a wonderful woman, a truly gentle soul, a giving person whom I adored and who I think is one of the main reasons I have found my church and church family so comforting.  She is also one of the people responsible for me having a Service Dog.  I used to joke with Jane that I wasn't sure who was more excited about the prospect of me receiving one, me or her!  Jane went to the interview at NEADS with me way back in June of 2009.  She helped to keep me excited and positive about the future.  Through Jane I met Barbara Lincoln, a Weekend Puppy Raiser at NEADS.  They had attended private school together.  A whole new life was before me which, in part, I owe to Jane.  I always say I believe in FATE, and the fact that a friend of hers from school was associated with NEADS.....obviously it was meant to be.  I am pretty sure that when I think of Alli and Tippy, baking pies for church, sitting on a beach, looking to the future, Jane will not be far off..............

I realize it's been more than a month since our last post, but time seems to fly whether you're having fun or not.  It's been a busy summer and along with that it's been particularly humid as well.  I have the hardest time with the humidity as it makes the air so heavy and my muscles are not strong enough to expand my rib cage sufficiently.

Despite being busy and dealing with health issues, we have managed to have a pretty good summer.  The picture above was taken on August 11th, at Indian Ranch in Webster, MA.  Indian Ranch is an outdoor venue with an emphasis on Country music, as well as having a camping area.  In the summer months NEADS holds a fundraiser for Canines for Disabled Vets each Saturday and/or Sunday.  Puppy Raisers and their pups, and clients with their canine partners are present to answer questions, allow the dogs to demonstrate some of their skills, and to allow the public some good old fashioned "dog time"....complete with wet kisses and belly rubs!  It's a wonderful opportunity to show the possibilities for a future life for our wounded soldiers, and the chance for people to donate to an extremely worthy organization.  Raffle tickets are sold and in between the opening and featured band the winner is drawn with a prize of $500 cash.  So many people say they  have heard of NEADS and are happy to have the opportunity to help.  On the 11th, Emily went with me to see Little Feat.  I always say that Tippy takes his job very seriously, and this particular day was no exception.  All day long, people asked to have him demonstrate a few skills.  NOT ONCE did he bawk!  He usually loves to show off....and also loves his carrots as if they were steak!  I answered questions, offered to have him "practice"....... including  bowing and he just kept delivering!!!!  Of course being told how handsome he is was so hard to hear!!!  NEADS client Erin and her Service Dog, Freedom(a very pretty female black lab) did the same, and puppy in training Simian stepped up to the plate too.  All 3 dogs were great, though I think Simian got pretty pooped.  I think he's 9 months, and I've got a feeling he's going to be a big boy like Tippy as his paws are BIG!!!  Emily decide to buy 1 ticket, just one.  Janice called out the $500 ticket, and their was a lot of cheering and clapping.  Then she called the 2nd place number....Indian Ranch had donated two seats up front. Emily began jumping up and down yelling, "I won, it's me!  I won!!!"  I told her to stop it because someone would think she really did....but, SHE REALLY DID WIN!!  We were given seats in front, just off to the side, as you can see from the pic.   Erin offered to watch Tippy while we were close to the stage.  She thought that the volume would not be good for his hearing.  I know that Tip has gone to concerts at Mohegan Sun with me, where we sit on the floor fairly close, and has done just fine.  But, I didn't realize that the speakers would be on the ground right in front of us.  It was definitely too loud.  The box in front of the young man with the red shirt is actually a bank of speakers.  I moved my seat toward the back side of the stage, but eventually felt that it was still too loud for Tippy.  I took him swimming, and we walked up on the hillside to listen and watch.  All in all a great day!

My friend, Cindy, and I went out to our home on Prudence Island from the 14th-21st of August..  I mentioned above that my friend Jane passed away on the 12th.  There were calling hours on the 14th, and a service on the 15th.  I have to say, and please don't think badly of me, that I am thankful that I had already planned to be away.  I don't handle it well when anyone passes, and I find it difficult to attend hours and services even for family members.  I think the way I have felt health wise, it would have been extremely tough. I think it was appropriate to be away, at the beach, in solitude.  Also, Jane would have been thrilled to know that Tippy would provide Cindy and I with 8 days of sheer escape!  We went to the beach every day except 2...or maybe 3???  Tip swam every time, retrieving nearly an hour each time in.  Even when I would tire from standing and would head in, he continued to swim around looking at the float wanting still more tosses.  I posted a video on FB, and I think I will try to post the same one below.  Aside from my constant words of encouragement, I think it's a great film. Tippy also got the hand of me holding his tail and "towing" me into shore.  I can't be in the water much above my waist for more than a minute or so due to the pressure.  I can't breathe and, obviously, that's a problem.  I don't think I've had that much fun on the beach since the children were small.  Tippy was good about staying nearby but if he began to wander a "closer" was all that was needed.  After the first 2 beach days I had to put a 30' leash on periodically, when I wanted to sit, since he decided that it was okay to eat the crab SHELLS that were left as the tide went out.  Who eats the shells!?!  A couple little bites would cause the worse "flatulence" problem for an entire evening and through the night.  Oh, well, he is a Lab!  Another highlight of the week was the Fireman's Fair.  Every year we make sure to be on PI for the fair.  I go primarily for the chowder, clam fritters(which they call cakes), and books.  I like knowing that it helps out the Volunteer Firemen.  They didn't have any chowder when we got there.  Too bad since it was raining just about all day!  The fritters were delicious and I got a bunch of books.  I also met the wife of a gentleman I had met a couple days earlier.  Here comes "Fate" again.......  I met Gil when I was "pottying" Tippy across the road from our house.  He was driving by and stopped to ask me about Tippy.  He explained that he and his wife had 2 Labs, and had decided that they wanted to raise a puppy for a Service Dog.  He said that one organization that he spoke to said that the dogs while in training were required to be on a lead at all times, even when in the yard.   He didn't like the idea at all.....I certainly agreed!  We discussed it further, and I explained quite a bit about NEADS, and exchanged information.  He seems like a very nice gentleman, retired, and upon meeting his wife, found her equally personable.  I'm obviously not "in the know", but they really seemed like they'd be great puppy raisers.  I hope it works out.  He said several times, what a coincidence that we met when they're so interested in doing this.  Then, it turns out that some very good friends of his used to go to our church, and I think I had their son in one of my church school classes....yup, quite a "coincidence"......  Well, it has taken me since Tuesday night to write this.  I kept saying I didn't know what to seems that cleared right up!!!

Yesterday I gave a workshop for a daycare/preschool that I'm going to be the Early Childhood Consultant for.  Really enjoyed it, and the staff, and I felt useful again.  Tomorrow we have our church service at the town "swimming hole" and there will be two "full emersion(?)" baptisms.  Looking forward to it!  Then, Indian Ranch again.....

But first, we're heading out now to take Tip to that "swimming hole"....which happens to be in the same area as the dog park....LOVE to watch how happy he gets when he knows he's going swimming!!!

Wendy & Tippy       

Friday, July 6, 2012

St. Louis Proves Cathartic!

On Wednesday, June 20th, Mark, Tippy and I headed to St. Louis with the US Pain Foundation.  The Cares Alliance and Covidean provided a grant for us to come to speak with the Covidean employees.  They asked for us to share our "story".  Paul Gileno, President/Founder US Pain, Ellen, her husband Stu and Ellen's service dog, Maggie, Nicole Hemminway and her son and mother were all in attendance as well.  I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my entire life.  Isn't it funny that you find out the most about yourself when your not expecting it?!?  It's the first time since our children were born that Mark and I went away without them other than when we went for consultations at various medical centers through the years.  I think it was important for Mark to be there.  He hasn't traveled with me since my muscles and balance have worsened.  It's also the first time he has traveled with me with my service dog along.

I'll get to the cathartic part in a bit....actually, I really think that the entire trip was seemed there were revelations around every corner.  But, let me start with the traveling.  Once again, Tippy was AMAZING!!!!!  I thought that it might be tough in the airport since he likes to wait for direction, but I was so wrong!  The fact that he's constantly watching me made it seem almost seamless as any time we were turning or waiting, he was ready for the next step.  He was so calm, too, that once again my fear of flying was almost nonexistent.  He was wonderful along side my wheelchair as the attendant rolled me where we needed to go.  Trotting along he looked happy, rather pleased with himself.  I loved it!  

Now, the hotel was amazing.  It was the Marriott @ Union Station.  It was, as it sounds, once a train station!  In it's hey day, '30's and '40's,  several thousand people passed through the station daily. How cool is that?!?  The picture above shows Tippy sitting on an original station bench, and plaques commemorating the space on the original bricks.  The space has been turned into the hotel, and a mini mall where the trains once entered and exited.  The architecture is amazing with the original ceiling work in the Grand Hall/Lobby area.  It's really neat.  It has the original iron gates separating the hotel from the mall, and across from the lobby to get to the elevators for the hotel rooms.  The difference is you now use your "card" room key to get through.

I have already said that Tippy was "AMAZING", but you must remember that he is a dog, and he's just turned 21 months......  That being said, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this little story.  Keep in mind that he did this on Thursday, just a couple of hours before we went to our speaking engagement in which I was including a demonstration by Tippy, showing behaviors and tasks service dogs are trained to do.  Okay, enough build up!  Ellen and I let Maggie and Tippy play in a grassy area just outside the fenced in pool area.  There was a type of "alleyway" that led from that area, and ran along the pool fence and one side of the hotel.  Tippy ran down there once, and came right back.  Ellen said that she thought the gate at the other end was locked.  Well, you know "Murphy's Law", "What can go wrong, will"?  The next time Tippy ran down there, he didn't come back right away.  Just as I was going to look down there a voice called out from the far end of the pool area....."Hey!", "Dog!", "Swimming!"  He was looking over the back of the pool area!  I "ran"(keep in mind...I can't run!) down the alley, and as I neared the end, I saw that the gate was open!!  OH, MY, GOD!!!  Tippy had gone through the open gate, and jumped into the Koi pond that surrounded the hotel on 2 sides!!!!  Definitely not a pool for swimming, ESPECIALLY A DOG!!!  I was mortified!  I called Tip, and he came right a way, but, when he started to climb out he looked at me, then looked back at the pond, and the pond won out!!!  I was aghast!  I called him again, this time "Level 1" recall, "Tippy, Come!"  Once again, he came right over only this time as he exited the pond he continued on.  He definitely knew he'd done something he shouldn't have.  He was drenched, he didn't shake, his ears were flat against his head, and his tale was tucked underneath.......he walked right past me and down the alleyway..... When he reached the grass, he shook himself off.  Thank, God, when a Lab gets wet then shakes, they're almost dry!  I used a towel from the pool area and buffed him, paying special attention to his chest and legs.  Then we headed to my room where I had him lay for a bit while I rested.  I then used the hair dryer to dry him most of the way before we left for Covidean. 

Now, we're coming to the "cathartic" experience.  I prepared my "presentation" starting with shortly before I became ill, and then followed with my pain "journey".  I decided to include a portion which I have not shared with many people.  It's part of my story, so it's about time I included it.  While Bethany has been aware since almost the time of the incident, Aaron and Emily had no clue.  I spoke to Em before I left for St. Louis, and we cried together.  I didn't have a chance to speak to Aaron before we left, but have since returning.  The incident I refer to took place on October 8th, 1996.  I attempted suicide.  I had spent the last four years suffering from and unknown progressive illness and had visited many doctors for second opinions.  In June of 1996, we were sent to The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  I had convinced myself that the answer would be found there.  Well, after a week of appointments and tests, they came up with a "working" diagnosis that pretty much just describes my issues; "Bi-lateral restrictive lung disease secondary to a proximal myopathy".  It just wasn't enough for me.  Still no suggestions on how to treat it, or a prognosis.  When we returned, I started seeing a different psychiatrist for several months.  One day, upon returning home, I just flipped!  There was no forethought, no plan in place, I just flipped!  I walked into the house ahead of my husband locking the front door behind me.  I then walked into my room, picked up a just filled prescription for 60 Xanax, walked into the bathroom locking that door behind me as well, and,........took the entire bottle of medication.....ALL of it!!  I flushed the empty container down the toilet and sat on the floor of the bathroom with my back against the door.....  I don't need to go into any more detail, suffice it to say that I thank God that I was unsuccessful because the best days of my life have been the ones since.....  That is what I included in my talk, though not in that much detail.  As I was reading and looking out at the audience, I began to sob.  Not full out crying, but sobbing just the same.  The instant I read that part, I actually felt a weight lifted off my shoulders.  It was the first time I had spoken of it outside my "shrinks'" office, and the first time I had cried............  You know how people say that if they can make a difference in one person's life it's worth it?  Well, I sent a "Thank You" to the individual who was responsible for our trip and presentation.  I mentioned that I hoped I hadn't left a negative spin on things.  She said absolutely not!  She actually thanked me because shortly after our visit she attended a "meeting" and found the strength to share something about her health that she'd never shared before.  I guess it really was worth it.............  I have more to say about the trip, but I've gone on so long, I think I'll just leave you with a never know how strong you are until you take that leap of faith.......

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Time To Say Hello, Thank You, and Good Bye......

I'm a bit late, but it's always okay to say "Thank You" to our Veterans, both past, present, and future.....  While Memorial day is indeed the time to enjoy family and friends, we do so with the knowledge that it's made possible by the bravery and sacrifices our Armed Services have made.  All in the name of "PEACE".  Our small town is actually part of a "tri-town" area; Essex(made up of Ivoryton, Centerbrook, and Essex), Deep River and Chester.  For this reason, we have our own elementary schools, but regional junior and senior highs.  The school bands, jr. and sr., rotate between the 3 towns for parades.  This year was our "off" year. Neither were in our town, however, the Essex Elementary School band did not march either.  Therefore, our Memorial Day Parade was tiny.  We are fortunate to have several Veterans who march yearly, but the days of the "long" parade seems to be gone.  There were definitely plenty of parade goers, just not many doers.  I hope next year proves me wrong, and the children of our town can experience the excitement and tears of a great parade....

The week before, I had an appointment with the neurologist I see for my migraines.  After a long discussion, he suggested that I try "Botox" injections.  I have too, many, too often, and too severe.  When I went to my appt., I had just gotten over a migraine that plagued me for over 4 1/2 weeks.  Lights and sounds got to be way too much!  Nothing I try as a prophylactic seems to work, and nothing has helped with the pain.  I DETEST needles, but my doctor assures me that they are the size of insulin needles, and therefore the pain shouldn't be an issue....I'm used to pain, I JUST HATE NEEDLES!!!!  My first "stab" at it is at the end of July...we'll see how it goes!

I've been feeling way more stressed lately, and am easily distracted.  It doesn't really happen often that my depression gets in the way of life.  Thanks to my shrink and the medication regimen I'm on I'm usually pretty even keeled.  I've had more of an issue with dizziness and balance and I think I just need to slow down....take a deep breath....and move forward, one ...step ...of ...the...other...

With that said, this last week got extremely hectic.  I think I'm in the process of crashing, but it seems to be creeping up on me. 

On Wednesday, June 6th, my friend Cindy and I traveled to Trenton, New Jersey.  I was scheduled to address the New Jersey Assembly Committee on Health and Senior Services regarding their bill on Step Therapy.  Their bill has a two step protocol, as opposed to Connecticut's law which requires your insurance company to fill the prescription your doctor writes for a pain medication, with either the name brand, or generic equivalent.  The New Jersey bill allows the insurance company to request one attempt and failure before being required to fill the initial rx.  Paul Gileno, President/Founder of US Pain Foundation, met me there, along with a lobbyist from Pfizer before heading up to the hearing room.  There were 2 oopposed who spoke first, one of which was not only a terrible speaker, but was unprepared to give appropriate answers to questions asked.  That "boded" well for us, as we were, clear, articulate, and obviously prepared.  We knew our material, and I believe it was obvious that it was not just coming from our head, but from our heart as well.  Cindy thought we did well, and I felt much better following than I did going into it having not enjoyed the event in Edison.  In any case, Wendy, the Pfizer Lobbyist said that they'd love to have me back in the fall, when it will go before the Assembly and Senate.  God I love doing what I do!  Looking forward to more work!  The trip went well all around, and came at a perfect time as I was stressed beyond where I've been of late and just needed to "Get the hell out of Dodge!"

I returned Thursday night, from my all too brief respite, to a veterinarians appointment for our cat George on Friday morning.  It was supposed to be just a check up and Feline leukemia booster but we knew it would be more than that.  He had seemed to be dropping weight daily, and was eating very little.....even if we opened a can of tuna for him.  As it turned out, he had lost about 4 lbs of his 10.5 lbs, down to just 6.75#'s!  The veterinarian looked sad, and my daughter and I said that we had already discussed that this was more than likely the path we'd take today, and therefore we all felt it was time to give him the gift of PEACE.  We called my other daughter so she could be present, and allowed George to move on.  What I hadn't expected was Tippy's reaction.  I knew that he and George got along exceptionally well, and decided that I wanted him with me when we put George down.  Up until the tech took George to put a catheter in, Tippy was laying quietly by my side on the floor.  When the tech took him, Tippy immediately picked up his leash in his mouth and started pacing and turning in circles.  He would not let me take the leash, but continued to pace at a near frantic level until George was brought back in, wrapped in a blanket.  He had been given a mild sedative, in preparation for the final injection into the catheter.  Tippy reclaimed his spot next to my leg, and lay very quietly until the vet came in to give the med.  My daughter, Bethany, sat in the middle with Em and me flanking her.  As the vet began the injection, Tip picked up his chin and rested it on my knee and stayed there until the vet checked George with her stethoscope, and said, "He's gone"........  Tippy took his chin from my knee and rested it on his paws on the floor.....he remained quiet the rest of the day.......  He has since occasionally looked for George when we go out, since George followed us EVERYWHERE....down the road on walks, or just out to "potty".....and then he'd follow us in.  I guess we are ALL slowly accepting, and getting used to, the fact that George is no longer with us.  He had a wonderful life.  He lived 13 years as an outside cat, the only one left in the whole neighborhood due to all of the wildlife we have, especially the coyotes....of which there are many!  Even several months ago, he was still bringing us the insides of critters.  It was kind of creepy, because he would bring the skinned creature....minus the head and fur/feathers....sometimes the entrails were as large as a squirrels! 

This is a picture of George and Alli, January 16, 2011.  As you can see, George was an uncommonly GORGEOUS feline!  He will be missed more than words can convey......... 
Good Bye George.......

On Saturday night, We attended a benefit comedy show with Lisa Landry, for NEADS Client, Elaine Motta and Service Dog Rudy.  My friends daughter and I med Elaine following my graduation ceremony with Tippy.  We ate at the Applebees in Leominster, MA, and Elaine was there getting ready to move into NEADS for her 2 weeks of training with Rudy.  I feel so blessed and honored when I have the opportunity to meet clients when they are just beginning their NEADS journey.  I med Amy Reay while she was fundraising for her Service Dog.  And, when she was matched with Service Dog Delancy, I just happened to be up at NEADS one of the days while bringing a bread pudding.  To see the excitement and anticipation in the faces of the soon to be "partnered" is so heartwarming.  Knowing that they've become a part of the NEADS family is like welcoming a new member into my own family....It's great.  Below is a picture of the "CT Contingent", along with John Moon, NEADS,(with S.D. Rainbow), and Ellen Jones, NEADS, and a new friend, NEADS alum, Tanya and S.D. Bess!  HELLO

Last, but certainly not least, Tippy and I would like to thank you for your prayers of healing wishes for our good friend, Karin and her Service Dog, Lucky.  Karin has made a miraculous recovery and has been re-united with Lucky.  While she tires easily, Karin is doing much better and gets stronger with each new day.  We are all better for having Karin in our lives, and so with a much heartfelt Thank You, I say Good Night!

Karin and Lucky!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I Really Need To Slow Down......

Graduation Day!!!!  Em graduated from the University of Rhode Island on May 20th.  She received her BFA in Theatre with and Acting concentrate.  Anyone who knows her is probably not the least bit surprised by her choice of major.  The only thing I can ever remember her wanting "to be", is an actress.  She's not interested in tv or movies, just the theatre.  She's been singing since she was just 4 years old in the "Cherub Choir" at church, and stayed with it right through high school.  **Where she got her voice, I have no idea....most definitely NOT from me!!  Em's moving home for a bit to get a good routine going on repaying her student loans.  Unfortunately, we were not able to help, so she's got a lot.  She's hoping to head out by the first of the year, to an area near her friends and theatre opportunities.

On Tuesday, May 22, Tippy and I headed over....a 5 minute the Essex Yacht Club to speak to and profusely THANK the Essex Rotary for helping to make our partnership possible.  The Rotary very generously donated $8,500 of the $9,500**($9,500 is the clients' portion of the nearly $25,000 needed to raise the service dog from "puppyhood" through graduation.)  The above picture was taken by a member of the Rotary, Dick Levene, during an interview I had in preparation for my presentation.  I truly think it is by far my most favorite picture as it shows the love Tippy and I have for each other.  I really enjoyed speaking to the club.  I love being able to speak with people about my blessing of a Service Dog, and how it has changed my life.  Beyond that, the fact that these dogs are able to make such a positive change in the lives of so many with a myriad of disabilities is most definitely a miracle.  It's so very interesting to find so many well educated intelligent people who truly do not know the gist of the Americans With Disabilities Act.  Of course, most people are unaware of the specifics of the ADA unless they either are covered under it, or come in contact with those who are.  It always feels good to leave a group of people knowing that you have provided the service of imparting vital information that every American should be aware of.  I enjoy running through a bit of my daily practice sessions with Tippy.  I think the club enjoyed seeing where their donation went, and the value of that donation.  They don't often have the opportunity to see the "fruits of their labor".

Once again, it seems that I'm working backward chronologically.  I guess it's part of what Mark calls "Wendy Speak".  When people start following my train of thought, they're in trouble!

On Wednesday, the 16th, Tippy and I headed to Edison, New Jersey.  I was asked to speak to a group of intervention pain physicians regarding the practice of "Step Therapy".  I've mentioned this in earlier posts.  Simply put, it's the practice whereby insurance companies require you to try and fail at one or more prescription medications before they will approve the Rx that your doctor initially wrote.  Last year, US Pain helped to get the first bill of it's kind in the nation passed, and ultimately signed into law by Gov. Malloy in the state of Connecticut.  The trip to New Jersey taught me a valuable lesson......ALWAYS ASK FOR AN AGENDA WHEN ACCEPTING A SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT!!!!!  The initial invitation asked for the speaker to speak at the beginning of the meeting for 10 minutes.  We(my friend Cindy went with Tippy and me), arrived at the hotel in Edison at round 4pm, checked in, tweaked my "speech" a bit, changed, and realized we were running late.....of course!  We made it to the venue at exactly 6:30, rushed inside, found my contact, and readied for a speedy intro....WRONG!  I was told, "We've just started our social hour....."!!  Ei, yi, yi!!  During the "hour", I had occasion to mention, "So, I have 5-10 minutes?"  She told me, "Oh no, not even".  Okay, so totally throw out my 3 pages of notes.  Then, when 7:30 rolled around, my contact was 4th on the agenda, and I followed her.  To make matters worse, 2 of the previous members/physicians made reference to the same topics I was going to touch on.  I certainly was not about to repeat the importance of the bill to medical doctors.  I went the route of the importance of their support not only for the New Jersey bill, but for their patients who would benefit by it's passage.  I also explained the importance of the CT law.  That it pertains to pain meds only, a good place to start and get footing, and that in CT, when your doctor writes a prescription for a pain med, your insurance company is required to approve that med, or it's generic equivalent.  Also, it's important to keep the medical decisions with your own physician, the insurance companies should not, in essence, be "playing doctor".

Okay, give me a moment to step off my soap box!  

Before leaving New Jersey, we were able to stop in to see Eddie.  Eddie was in my class at NEADS when I was blessed with Alli.**(More on Alli to come)  Eddie was wounded in Afghanistan in 2003 when an IED went off when he was out of his "Hum-V"(sp?)  Eddie has probably made more of a difference in my life than most.  When we arrived at NEADS, Eddie had the room next to me, we shared a common wall.  During our first 3 nights at training Eddie had flashbacks, yelled and bumped the wall due to his PTSD.  However, once the dogs stayed with us beginning on the 4th night, I did not hear another sound during the night for the remaining week and a half.  And, this was before NEADS started their "Trauma Alert" program.  **(The teams in the new "TA" program learn to recognize the onset of a PTSD episode, and help each other through.....I don't want to say more as I am not familiar enough, and don't want to make a mistake.)  Eddie has gone through so much, and is a remarkable person.  In any case, I met with Eddie in NJ to talk with him about possibly becoming involved with the US Pain Foundation, and possibly speaking.  He has done wonderful work while involved with the Wounded Warrior Project. 

I just tried and failed at my 4th try to post.  I had 3 more substantial paragraphs below but lost them all.  I will now try to post just the above......fingers crossed......

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I think this picture says it all!!  Dr. Federica Maggio, DVM, a Veterinary Ophthalmologist, administered the exam and was so happy to be able to give the good news!  She examined Alli last year and was so very compassionate that I never even considered going to another doctor.The entire Tufts VETS(Veterinary Emergency Treatment and Specialties) staff is so warm and caring.  The exam is so comprehensive....very similar to what a "human" ophthalmologist might do.  Perhaps even a bit more so!  Dr. Maggio truly loves these animals, I think she was just as happy to give the good news, as I was to receive it!  My friend Cindy was with me, as she was when we took Alli, and she was a great support.....EXCEPT.....I saw Dr. Maggio give a slight smile, and thought I heard her say, "That looks good" while giving the exam.  I looked over at Cindy and she had a very serious look on her face and her lip was quivering.  For a moment I thought that maybe I had heard the doctor wrong.  Nevertheless, the end result was great, and both Tippy and I are blessed to be able to be a team for years to come!  Dr. Maggio loved how happy we were, and of course Tippy had won everyone over, so she asked if she could take a couple pictures.  Of course I said yes.  She sent me the 3 pics, and I absolutely love this one.  Tippy and I do "hugs" often and I believe he knows that it's comforting to me......I wonder what emotion it stirs in him......

When we left Tufts in Walpole, MA, we headed over to NEADS to share the good news!  I had made a large bread pudding to celebrate the results of the test with the staff there.  I'm not sure what I would have called it had the news not been good.  Sherrie Forest and Kathy Foreman were there when we arrived and I reported immediately the positive outcome.  They both said that Tippy looks great.  I think so too, but it's always good to hear it from those who are "in the know" about such things.  I am very diligent when it comes to meals, treats, training and exercise with him so there really shouldn't be a problem.  Everyone also said that he looks bigger than when we left.  It's entirely possible since he is now 19 months though he should be nearly done growing.  His weight remains about the same, 82.2 lbs.  While we were at NEADS, we learned that there was one new puppy in the Early Learning Center(aka the "Puppy House").  Cindy and I wanted very much to visit, but Tippy isn't allowed.  Partly because the pups have not had all of their "shots" and could "catch" something from the older dogs, and partly for the reverse.......  Sherrie said that Tip could stay in John Moon's office since he was on vacation.  I put Tippy in a "Down/Stay", Sherrie put up the gate across the door, and I told Tippy to stay one more time.  I mentioned that I fully expected him to be in the same place when I returned, then we went up to see the puppy.  The Puppy House is at the top of the driveway, in a house next door.  We met radar, said hello to those who work and volunteer there, chatted a bit and returned to the main building about 20-25 minutes later.  Sherrie was standing near John's office speaking with Paula and for a moment I thought that Tippy had been moving around.  But, true to his nature, Tippy was in the exact same spot, with his head on his front paws looking at the door!  Sherrie said I could exercise Tippy up in the training room, as I was waiting to possibly speak with Brian concerning Tippy's timid response to playing with other dogs.  Brian had taken a puppy to it's prison destination, but when he returned he was in a bit of a hurry to leave and I didn't want to delay him.  I'm quite sure he didn't know, at the time, that I was there.  I left quietly before him and Cindy and I headed off for lunch.  Lunch was at a "99" restaurant, was quite good, and quite relaxing.  Tippy was awesome, as always!

On Wednesday Tippy, Cindy, and I are headed to New Jersey to speak to the New Jersey Society of Interventional Pain Physicians about "Step Therapy/Fail First" legislation and the importance of their support of their patients as we work toward eliminating the practice.  *(Sorry for the run-on sentence!)  I surprise myself in that I'm truly looking forward to doing this, and more of it.....Service Dogs have not only allowed me to regain some of my lost independence, I feel that they have afforded me a new avenue to follow in life, pretty cool, huh?  I am hoping to connect with Eddie, and his service dog, Houdini, while in New Jersey.  Eddie was in my NEADS class in November of 2009.  Paul suggested that I check with Eddie about possibly being involved with US Pain issues.  I'm so looking forward to seeing him again.  I think it's been since the Fall of 2010.....too long!

Finally.....Please send healing prayers to my good friend and fellow classmate, Karin(she received "Lucky" when I received Alli).  She is having serious medical complications and is in the ICU.  She has had to deal with so much and, while she is an extremely strong and courageous woman, she has had enough for the time being.....please hold her in your prayers........

Wendy and Tippy 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tippy, Tippy, Prayers for Friends.....

Once again, Tippy was the "Cute Puppy" of the day on the NEADS site.  He must have been pretty new at NEADS since the picture is dated 12/10 and his birthday is early October, 2010.  I love these pictures!  That's the only part of receiving the dogs that I miss!  When you choose your pet as a puppy or kitten, whether from a shelter(as we always did) or a breeder, you have the thrill of seeing them as adorable babies.  I have the "puppy" album I received from Alli's inmate trainer and still love to look at it from time to time.  Now, I have these "Cute Puppy" pics of Tippy!  So far, there are just the two, but I cherish them nonetheless.  This one looks so like him even now.  His eye contact is amazing.  When he looks at you, it's like he's looking into you.  I know it's a bit corny, but it's like he's looking into your soul, and seems to always find comfort there as well as instilling the same.  

This past weekend we attended the Trans Siberian Orchestra performance of Beethoven at Mohegan Sun. Tippy has been wonderful at the URI Theatre performances, and has been downright amazing accompanying me to the CT, and RI capitols.  I wasn't sure, however, how he'd do at a concert performance.  He is always so calm, when not playing, that I wondered how he would react to the crowds, loud music, strobe lights, and rapid movement on the stage.  He, himself, performed exquisitely!  I used to love watching Alli as she watched the first half of any performance from under the seat in front before falling asleep for the 2nd half.  Tippy somehow managed to sleep through the first half, wake shortly looking for a reward, then fell fast asleep for the remainder of the show.  He was also game when we got Ben and Jerry's afterward, savoring the banana I purchased for him, and happily walked with us to order a small pizza to go before heading back to our room.  My friend and I chuckled as Tip went back and forth from my bed to hers with his toy waiting to see who would opt for the chance to play.  He loved the carrot slices he received while practicing high 5, catch me low(low 5), prayers, time for bed, etc.  Tippy never seemed to take notice of the late, or early, hour until I settled down and out he went...down for the count!

On Saturday....I guess I'm working backward....Tippy and I went with my good friend Debbie and her granddaughter Olivia to Bishop's Orchard for the Donkey and Mule Festival.  I think Tippy found it all quite curious.  We started with a small pen with a few llamas.  A larger enclosure had both llamas and a few goats.  I'm not sure who was more interested, Tippy as he studied these beasts behind the wire fence, or the "beasts"....llamas and goats....who approached the fence looking at Tippy as though he was an alien!  In fact, to them I guess he was an alien.  It was so obvious that he interested them.  Their stare caught him as he neared the fence, and they moved closer, cautiously sizing him up.  We watched the donkeys as their riders made their way through an obstacle course....soooooo much more slowly than with a horse.  Tippy really wasn't interested, and when Debbie and Liv returned from the "Moon Bounce",(Olivia calls them "Boom Bounces"!) he was only too happy to retreat to other areas.  Unfortunately for him, the next area was no better.  We went on a tractor ride through the orchard.  With each bump and creak, Tippy looked like he wanted to shout, "Stop the ride, I want to get off"!!!!  

Thursday is a big day for Tippy, and I guess for me.  He has an appointment at Tufts VETS(Veterinary Emergency Treatment and Specialties) for his free Service Dog eye exam.  His appointment is with Dr. Federica Maggio, DVM.  She is a Veterinary Ophthalmologist.  I took Alli to see her last May and received the news of her impending blindness.  These exams are so vitally important.  Sight should never be underestimated.  Without this appointment, we would have continued to believe that Al's difficulties were related to behavior issues and would not have realized it was her sight for probably some time.  Animal have an amazing ability to adapt well to a lost sense.  Dr. Maggio told us that if Alli was a pet, and not a service dog who was constantly out and away from home, it's possible that we would not have known until she was completely blind.  Whether a service animal or not, an annual eye exam is so important for the animal's health.

Next Wednesday we are heading to New Jersey to speak to the "New Jersey Society of Interventional Pain Physicians.  I was asked by Paul 2 weeks ago if I would travel to New Jersey to speak to a group about "Step Therapy"/Fail First legislation.  "Step Therapy" is the practice of insurance companies to require a patient to first fail at one or more alternative medications before filling the initial prescription the doctor wrote.  Having addressed the issue in CT,(where we were successful), MA, and RI, I am more than interested in continuing the "push".  After finding out last week that the group was a physician's organization I immediately felt intimidated.  While my first instinct was to decline, I told Paul that I was still willing and interested to go.  He was glad and said that they, "are people like us and need to get involved to help patients".  The bottom line is that I believe very strongly in this legislation and feel that I can convey that belief and it's importance through the facts and how they relate to all individuals.  I am now looking forward to the event and consider it as more experience in an area that I am finding purposeful and thrilling.  You don't always get a second chance at a direction for your life....and one that has the ability to promote positive change for others.

Finally, I ask for your prayers for several friends of mine.  Karin, who graduated with Alli and me with her Service Dog Lucky, has had a recurrence of a past cancer.  After receiving radiation treatment it was shown that it had no effect and would need to undergo surgery to remove any growths they were able to.  Please send your healing prayers her way for her May 15th surgery.  She says that Lucky has been her strength, her rock.  Let's hope that they can remain partners for years to come.

Lastly to the family of my good friend Cindy.  On April 30th, she lost her husband of more than 40 years to cancer.  Bob was a strong role model for his wife, son, and grandchildren.  He was always ready, willing and able to help with the needs of the church accomplishing a great deal on both Outreach and House and Grounds committees.  Bob's infectious, positive attitude and personality will surely be greatly missed.  While the Marshalls have a great yellow Lab, Hunter, Bob loved seeing Alli and she was able to visit him in the hospital last year....which put a smile on his face.  Tippy had the great opportunity to visit with him at their home several times and I know it brought him great pleasure to watch Hunter get "hyped" while "toying" with him!  Bob had always wanted a party before his death to say "Thank You", and "Goodbye" to his friends and family but was not up to it this past year.  Instead, the family is having a picnic for all to share their stories and memories of Bob now that he's passed.  "CHEERS to you Bob!"  Your prayers will do so much in the healing process for Bob's family.

Thank You