I am in Corpus Christi, Texas, and have been since Monday afternoon. The US Pain Foundation is responsible for getting me here and enabling me to have the opportunity to get help for my chronic pain, muscle weakness and even migraine headaches.
The process uses an electrical stimulation machine. There are electrodes that are connected via adhesion to different points on your hands and feet much like the points used in acupuncture. Using differing levels of electrical intensity(Not strong enough to be felt) a base temperature, in the hands for the upper body and in the feet for the lower, rises slightly thereby "awakening" the nerve pathways allowing your body to send and receive messages.
Different "protocols" are used to help with various areas of the body that may be experiencing pain, weakness, allergies/asthma and other breathing issues to name a few. The protocols are the placement of 4 electrodes each for the left and the right sides of the body. For example, to help with breathing issues, there are protocols which direct you to put the 4 electrodes on specific points of the hands. The 2 hands may have different combinations to achieve the desired effects. While some effects may be felt soon after a "treatment", it can take some time to get the more lasting results.
The length of the "treatments" is 40 minutes each. That is, forty minutes for the upper and 40 minutes for the lower. During this time you are not to handle electrical devices including but not limited to; cell phones, tv remotes, laptops/computers, etc. The 2 treatments occur consecutively twice a day. Eventually a patient may move to once/day, twice/week, and also may add a specific protocol when needed for cold or flu, or other acute needs.
I am not normally one to try a non-traditional approach for my health needs. I did, this time, because I have seen first hand how the method works. Through the US Pain Foundation and the INvisible Project, and NEADS while receiving Alli, I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing individuals. One such person, is Nicole Hemmenway. She is the author of "No It's Not In My Head, the Journey of a Chronic Pain Survivor from Wheelchair to Marathon". Nicole suffers from CRSD(Complex Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) a debilitating illness which results is chronic widespread burning pain among other symptoms. She was literally incapacitated to the extent that she was in a wheelchair and unable to dress or care for herself. She is now an inspiration to all those suffering from RSD as well as everyone with chronic pain. Her success with "Doc" is what spurred us all on to do something for ourselves that holds the hint of promise. My friends, Karin and Ellen, came down to Texas in late Fall. While Ellen still struggles with breathing issues, she has had great success with her legs and now walks without braces. Her Ehlers Danlos Syndrome makes her experiences challenging but she continues with the protocols in hopes that will one day help. Karin experienced such promising results the week they came down, she actually returned in December and is here until the end of May. The treatments work best when there are no narcotics in your system to slow things down. Karin was on strong doses of pain med due to Fibromyalgia, complications as a result of Type 1 Diabetes, and injuries sustained in a serious auto accident years ago. She was walking with the help of a walker, and the use of a "Canadian Crutch" if there wasn't too much walking. She was also in constant severe pain. When Karin picked me up at the airport she was standing w/out any support, holding Lucky's leash and beaming ear to ear. When I got closer she looked happy, clear headed and to watch her move was just astounding! No one would know that just 5 months ago she struggled just to get through the day.........or maybe the hour w/out the constant pain.
So, in other words, I have to believe in what I've seen for myself......it can and does work. Maybe not for everyone, but so far for everyone I know who has gone before me. The picture shows me during the first 40 mins., or half, of my treatment. The electrodes are adhered to my feet and I just sit and relax....read a book or magazine and wait for the "beeps" letting me know that the lower portion of my body is done. Alli relaxes.....no, she SLEEPS.......so I must be fine because if I'm having any difficulties, she isn't able to settle down unless she's practically on top of me or I'm doing better and tell her, "I'm okay".
This morning, I awoke w/ very little congestion for the first time in months and I was able to get right up because my back wasn't quite as painful. After moving around, my back was back to it's old self but I also was "going" all day seeing the Gulf and some Pelicans. I remained, however, nearly congestion free for the entire day. Right now I'm about to do my evening treatment and my back is terrible and my breathing is rough. But the glimmer of success is enough for me to be "cautiously optimistic". You may not think that's much, but it's the most I've had in nearly 19 years.......so on I go!!!!!!