While all this has been going on, so too have some pretty amazing developments as far as Alli helping me!!! For some time Alli has been helping to calm me when I get my "severe a-typical" migraines. She would stand on the bed next to me and then lie along side me stretched out leaning her full weight on me. She stays that way, until I tell her "I'm okay". Well, in the fall, on several days she leaned against me in the morning when I went into the bathroom instead of lying on the bathmat. I realized that on those days I ended up with a migraine by late afternoon. I started to pay attention to the......phenomenon.........and it turned out that she correctly sensed the next 3 out of 4 migraines!! I had an appointment with my neurologist in early December and asked his opinion. I fully expected him to say that it wasn't possible for Alli to "predict" my migraines......but.......he said it was most definitely possible! They have always asked me if I notice the "aura" some people experience foretelling the event. I never have. The doctor said that after being together for a year, Alli is probably sensing this "aura". I have been told by several people that perhaps this "aura" can be sensed like a diabetic who's sugar has dropped (?)they give off a "fruity" aroma. Perhaps my "aura" gives off some perceivable, at least to the fine tuned lab's sense of smell, scent or something along that line. Needless to say, my doctor changed my med that I take when I think one is coming on(I was still getting 2-3 migraines a month which the neurologist felt was still too many), and I now take it when Alli "marks" the impending onset. I have only gotten one....possibly two......in the last six weeks, thanks to the signal Alli gives by leaning against me beginning in the morning when I first rise. I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it many more times.......Is there no limit to what my partner Alli can do for me and with me?
So, as I started with, today Alli is 3 yrs. old. I took her to PetSmart and let her pick 2 toys. She picks them by responding to the sound they make. The one in the picture above has 5 different "squeakers" scattered throughout the stuffed dog. Another one is kind of like a cow and has velcro at the bottom. A plastic water bottle gets inserted inside and when Alli bites on it, it "crinkles". When the bottle is too chewed up, you replace it with a fresh one.....they're empty, of course! She actually loves the crinckley one better, but I think I should pace her with it so she doesn't chew the cow apart.
Last, but not least, I am very fortunate to be involved with the US Pain Foundation. It was through this foundation that I became involved in the INvisible Project. Now, they are going to fly me, Alli and my husband to Texas to see a doctor who specializes in pain management. Hopefully I'll be able to go in April. It can't come too soon as my pain is never ending. And, not only is it from my muscles weakening and complaining but I also had surgery in January for a "SLAP Tear". I am just finishing my first month of occupational therapy. Up until now it has been passive then active range of motion. We are starting strengthening exercises and I was up all last night from the pain despite icing it after therapy and twice more before bed. Two of my NEADS classmates have taken the trip and have each had a positive experience. I hope to take my laptop with me to Texas so that I can chronicle my experiences, positive or otherwise.
Until next I post,
Wendy and Alli