Ellen, too, has reaped the benefits with Maggie. Maggie understands when Ellen is not feeling well and tells her by her behavior. She has also let Ellen know when she has stopped breathing at night by licking Ellen's face. Ellen is able to sleep a bit easier.....it's all relative........knowing that Maggie is by her side.
Alli knows to walk closer to me on the days that my balance is worse and snuggles with me when I'm feeling "blue". When I'm on my bed, with one of my many migraines, Alli gets up, stretches out alongside me and then leans......actually flops!......against me until I say, "I'm okay". At that point, she gets up, and curls up at my feet. Alli has actually begun to know ahead of time when I'm going to have a migraine! She's done it twice so far! She starts the day off by leaning against my legs every time I sit, and really sticks close.....usually against me.......the rest of the day. She's only done this twice, but both times I had "killer" migraines. I have also noticed that I have been so much calmer, happier with myself since Alli came into my life!
Even though it's taken forever for me to post again, it's not that I haven't wanted to. You know, life is what happens when you stop to take a breath. I've had a relatively difficult fall and at this point it doesn't look like it's going to get any easier in the next few months. It's taken me years to be able to say that, and not the "canned" response of, "I'm just fine, couldn't be better" even when I was feeling horrible. I guess Alli is a large part of that. Also, knowing Ellen and Karin have allowed me to feel comfortable in my own skin. When we get together we know that each of us are in the same boat. We have illnesses which make life difficult but when we're together we can discuss our aches, pains, feelings because we know that each of us, in our own way understands what the others are going through.
I hope you all had a restful, tasty Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the holiday season.